T.V. & Movie Star Terry Crews On Being Inspired By His Wife, “Fooling Around” & His Latest Venture: Furniture Design

terry crewsPhoto Credit: Benjo Arwas

Terry Crews is a true renaissance man. [Successfully] trying his hand at a variety of creative endeavors, the actor—best known for his roles in Everybody Hates Chris created by Chris RockBrooklyn Nine-Nine alongside Andy SambergThe Expendables alongside Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham; and White Chicks with Marlon and Shawn Wayanshas set his sights on a new venture: furniture design. Partnering with high-end furniture company Bernhardt Design, the acting sensation has designed a new collection called Becca, inspired by his wife. Here, I sit down with Crews to discuss the collection, how he decides to take on a new project, what he likes to do in his down time and what’s next for him.

Tell me about the Becca collection you designed with Bernhardt Design, in your own words.

It’s a bridge between traditional and modern architecture. Becca blends soft curves that suggest emotion with modern lines that propose intellect; it’s full-bodied and sleek. I want my furniture to be accessible but also engaging.

Bernhardt Design Becca collection Terry CrewsPhoto Credit: Bernhardt Design

Why did you decide to become involved in furniture design?

I’ve always been the creative type growing up—crafting, drawing and illustrating as a kid. In many ways, furniture design is the perfect combination of all of these hobbies, allowing me to sketch something into existence. The arts are also something that’s always been a constant source of fulfillment in my life.

What was the inspiration behind the Becca collection?

I’ve been very inspired by transitional architecture lately, which is usually seen as a bridge between the traditional and the modern. Becca really takes in this sort of thinking. Its soft curves invite you to interact with it and suggest warmth, while its modern lines are more intellectual and avant-garde. I was also thinking about my wife [Rebecca King-Crews], about what she likes, and about some of the complaints she had about modern furniture.

Bernhardt Design Becca collection Terry CrewsPhoto Credit: Bernhardt Design

Why did you decide to partner with Bernhardt Design?

Bernhardt Design has so much history and experience. Its ethos of giving back to young creatives also resonated deeply with me and my own design house, Amen & Amen. Both of us strive to support creatives whether that be in the world of art, music, fashion, décor or industrial design.

You have really become a multifaceted talent. Of all your ventures, what are your most favorite and why?

I have a major rule I live by: I only do what I love, and I love A LOT OF THINGS. I look at every one of my ventures as my “children,” whom I love, so to speak. So, is it right to love one child more than the other? I don’t think so. Each one of my ventures has had varying degrees of success; hosting, acting and furniture have brought me more financial rewards than I’ve ever dreamed possible, but my fashion, illustration and screenwriting endeavors have yet to rise to the level the others have. I view the latter as growing in their own time, but I love them just as much. Like a garden where you have many fruits and vegetables, but you just harvest the ones that are ready and take good care of the ones that aren’t. Long story short—I love them all!

When you are presented with a new project, acting-related or otherwise, what are some key elements you look at to determine if it is a fit for you?

For me, doing what you love starts with knowing what you want. I spend a lot of time writing down my personal and professional desires, and that helps me focus on taking the right thing that comes along and saying ‘no’ to what doesn’t. The weird thing is, I have to constantly do this because I also find that what I want changes over time, or what I think I wanted was actually what someone else wanted for me, and in a desire to please, it slides into my list of goals. Decisions can be daunting but when [my] desires are clear, there is much less confusion because I jump at the right things, and never regret things I pass on because they aren’t on the list, no matter how great they seem.

Terry crewsPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

With all of the professional endeavors you have going on, how do you find time for yourself and what is it you like to do?

I find that I now have to schedule “fooling around”—time for me to just fool around and play. Build Legos, read a book, sketch, or binge [watch] a show all day. I have to think of this as necessary, so I can get back to whatever professional job I’m doing [feeling] energized and ready. I used to never schedule “fooling around” because I didn’t value it and treated it as a waste of time; but I discovered all the great ideas I get for the future happen there and not at work! Every new venture I attempt began while “fooling around!”

What’s next for you and what can we expect from you in the near future?

I’d love to try my hand at architecture. I also have several scripts I’m working on simultaneously, so it’s just a matter of time before one of those are ready to see the light of day! In addition, I see myself producing and writing music for up-and-coming talent. It would be so satisfying to be the missing piece someone needs for their dream to come true!