How Hillary Walsh Of New Frontier Immigration Law Brings A Fresh Approach To Legal Aid

Photo Credit: Hillary Walsh

Access to legal representation is a fundamental right that is often out of reach for underrepresented and vulnerable populations, particularly in the realm of immigration law. Therefore, innovative approaches to legal aid that prioritize humanity and compassion are crucial for ensuring equitable access to justice for all individuals.

Research consistently highlights the importance of legal representation for immigrants facing deportation proceedings. According to a study by the American Immigration Council, immigrants with legal representation are significantly more likely to succeed in their cases compared to those without representation. Despite this, many immigrants struggle to access affordable and competent legal assistance, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and injustice.

One of the leading figures in immigration law is Hillary Walsh, founder of New Frontier Immigration Law. Her journey into immigration advocacy is marked by a fundamental commitment to serving marginalized communities. Faced with personal challenges of her own throughout her life, Hillary persevered in her quest to make a difference. Her struggles with alcohol abuse and experiences as a survivor of domestic abuse have fueled her passion for social justice and representing marginalized individuals.

Early into her career, Walsh’s husband was stationed at a military base in Korea, where her legal career had to take a back seat. She began writing immigration appeals from the base library, and even wrote an amicus brief for the U.S. Supreme Court. Upon returning to the United States with extensive knowledge of immigration law, Walsh encountered barriers to traditional employment opportunities, so she decided to open her own firm. Walsh founded New Frontier Immigration Law with a mission to provide compassionate and effective legal representation to undocumented individuals and survivors of domestic violence.

At New Frontier Immigration Law, legal expertise is complemented by a commitment to holistic healing and support. Walsh is a staunch advocate for talk therapy and breathwork as coping mechanisms for the demanding nature of immigration advocacy. In addition to offering healing classes for clients, the firm provides opportunities for employees to engage in self-care practices, fostering a supportive work environment that prioritizes the well-being of staff members.

“We are fortunate that we are very methodical in what we do, but the people we work with are going through some very tough stuff,” she says. “We began offering healing classes for clients, and our employees can attend. We have to heal alongside each other, because we come to the table with our own trauma, too. What am I here to do? I am here to win this case, and I can’t do that if my mindset is wrapped up in what the client has been through, so having a healed mindset is key.”

Walsh and the team at New Frontier Immigration Law exemplify a fresh approach to legal aid that places humanity and compassion at the forefront of immigration advocacy. Through her efforts, Walsh is paving the way for a more equitable and just immigration system — one that provides meaningful support and representation to those who need it most.

Written in partnership with Tom White