The Flying Casino


Many air carriers have always offered games to little children to keep them entertained (also read: quiet) while in flight. But what about adults? Don’t we deserve a little en-route entertainment to pass the time (besides the inevitably boring in-flight movie)? One airline thinks so.

Apparently there is interest in turning the Airbus A380, a double-decker plane, into a flying casino. The plane’s creator mentioned onboard gaming as a possibility when the plane first came out, but airlines were not initially interested because gaming areas would take up valuable passenger space, which would of course lead to less profit.

But now Airbus reports that they have had interest from customers (presumably not airlines) who are interested in creating flying casinos. One of the major areas of interest for these planes has been from Asia, where gambling is still booming. In fact, the Chinese territory of Macau is quickly overtaking Las Vegas as the world’s top gambling destination. Airbus has said that the first A380 flying casino could enter service in 2012.

Via Luxist