Edmund Coutan Talks About Starting Early, Realizing His Dreams, And Advocating Solar To The World
Written in partnership with DN News Desk
Photo Credit: Edmund Coutan
Our carbon footprint is going to leave an indelible mark on the earth. This is a worrying thought, but some people have chosen their purpose and profession because of it. Green entrepreneur Edmund Coutan is one of these people. Young Edmund Coutan got started on the path of renewable energy early on, realized his dreams, and now advocates harnessing solar power to the world.
Coutan believes that getting an early start in the business of energy alternatives has led him to be in the position that he always dreamt of. Once he discovered that renewable energy sources were being developed for everyday use, he became determined to champion them. Coutan was working within the home improvement industry when he was introduced to the concept of using your home to generate solar energy. He shares that it was a revelation that would set his life on a new course. This new path would see him realize his dream of making a difference in the world while also being able to make it big in life. Coutan established himself as a green entrepreneur and began to focus on ways in which solar energy could be applied as both a source of energy and revenue. This journey brought him to Apricot Solar, a company that helps homeowners turn their homes into renewable energy sources by installing solar panels. Coutan is an advocate of solar energy and believes that this bountiful resource will prove to be the future of the energy industry. Coutan expands on this by saying, “Solar power is one of the most important resources that we have accessible to us, and it is the cleanest source of electricity that we can utilize.”
Edmund Coutan hails from a new class of entrepreneurs, the conscientious entrepreneur, who doesn’t put profit above the importance of environmental conservation. Coutan shares that beginning his journey within the home improvement industry showed him that every change in the world starts at home. Coutan explains, “Once I saw first hand how great an impact one change in how we relate to the environment could have, I knew that I would be advocating this sentiment for many years to come.”
Climate change remains an unfortunate inevitability, but the work of entrepreneurs who believe in a cleaner future could make it a thing of the past.