Ahead of His Time: Hrithik Alwani Is Reshaping The Luxury Watch Industry

Hrithik Alwani has quickly become a rising star in the luxury watch realm at only 22 years old. As COO he’s managed to develop the business into a fierce social media presence and one of the most well-known reselling companies for high-end timepieces and luxury watches in the industry today — an impressive feat considering his young age.

Possessing an innate understanding of timepieces that extends far beyond just expertise, he approaches each piece with an artist’s eye for detail and craftsmanship. It comes as no surprise that many A-list celebrities have come to rely on him as their personal watch supplier, including Drake, Khalil Mack, D’Angelo Russel, SteveWillDoIt, London on the Track, and more.

In many ways, Alwani was born for this moment and this level of success. Exposed to this world at an early age when his father opened up a jewelry store back home in India, Alwani had always found himself drawn to the opulence and sheer beauty of luxury watches. Despite having opportunities to pursue athletics or other extracurricular activities in school, he preferred instead to visit his father’s shop and learn about watches; it was there that. Alwani grew passionate about the craft and industry, which eventually developed into his chosen career path today.

“My dad was a major influence in fostering my love for luxury timepieces,” Alwani says. “When I was younger, he would take me with him to inspect pieces and talk with customers. I remember studying the movements and mechanisms of certain pieces and how to sell a client on them. It fueled my fire for the industry, and I wanted to one day be in his position delivering those same customer experiences myself.”

It wouldn’t be long before his dream would come to life. After finishing school, Alwani and his older brother Neelesh took hold of their own destiny and launched the business venture that would change their lives forever.

Thanks in part to their hard work and commitment to quality customer service, as well as their powerhouse approach to social media, Time Piece Trading has quickly become one of the premier resellers of high-end timepieces on the market today. Headquartered in Miami and specializing in luxury watches from the likes of Patek Phillipe, Rolex, Audemars Piguet & Richard Mille – some of the most well-known brands in the world, Alwani has helped elevate and reimagine the timepiece game forever.

In addition to attracting customers through social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, reaching out to influencers and celebrities proved extremely beneficial for Time Piece Trading’s growth. Many A-list celebrities were drawn toward Hrithik’s style and transparency, which further solidified their trust in him as a reliable dealer of high-end watches.

“What started off as an idea of providing luxury timepieces to people from all walks of life has now become an incredible movement that I’m proud to be at the forefront of,” says Alwani when asked about his success story so far. “My vision was to give everyone access to the luxury they never thought they’d have, while still being transparent and honest within our industry – something that I believe is instrumental in attaining trust.”

Driven by his unwavering dedication to excellence within every aspect of their operations; from marketing campaigns that draw attention from potential buyers near and far through social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook while also utilizing traditional outlets like print ads; all the way down to personally vetting each piece they acquire before making it available for sale – Time Piece Trading is easily one of the most important and influential industry trailblazers the watch world has ever seen.

The success of Time Piece Trading is a testament to Alwani’s ability as a businessman, which makes him an inspiration for young entrepreneurs who are looking to make it big in this competitive industry. His story also serves as a reminder that no matter how difficult things may seem, true success can still be achieved if you put your mind to it – something that Hrithik Alwani has certainly demonstrated throughout his journey with Time Piece Trading.

“I believe that with enough hard work and resilience, anything can be achieved,” said Hrithik Alwani when asked about what advice he would give aspiring entrepreneurs out there today who want to pursue their dreams just like he did. “It all starts with having an idea or concept, then executing it in order for it to become reality.”

Written in partnership with Ascend