A Haute Guide to Breast Implants With Dr. Jhonny Salomon

breast implants

When it comes to plastic surgery, preparation is crucial. And while you can only hope that your surgeon will fill you in on all of the important details, it never hurts to walk into a consultation with prior knowledge. Here is some basic, yet essential information for choosing the perfect implant for your next breast augmentation.

There are two types of breast implants- saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with water, while silicone implants, also known as “gummy bear implants,” are made out of a high-strength cohesive silicone gel, according to Haute Beauty expert and plastic surgeon Dr. Jhonny Salomon.

Saline implants tend to be harder with more definition, which is usually preferred among women of ages 18-22. But although structured, they often leave rippling effects, which may be a pivotal factor when choosing implants. On the contrary, silicone implants give a more natural appearance and are less likely to rupture, Salomon says. For this reason, many women outside of the 18-22 range choose silicone implants.

If rupturing does occur with a saline implant, it will become obvious. However, if rupturing occurs with a silicone implant, it will be difficult to catch, as well as difficult to diagnose, Salomon says. Salomon describes the rupture of these “gummy bear” implants as occult, in which the implants discretely yet destructively burst.

Based on FDA recommendations, implants should be changed every 10-15 years, although updated, unreleased information may reveal that the newest silicone implants last much longer.