Dori’s World: Angel Ball Charity

So many celebrities and socialites came out last night to either perform or just show their support to Denise, Daniella and Ilona Rich at the Angel Ball Charity, which is for cancer research in memory of Gabriella Rich. Kim Kardashian, Denise Rich, Daniella Rich, Richard Kilstock, Inga and Keith Rubenstein, Monica Mitro, Ilona Rich, Chris Tucker, Clive Davis, Josh Groban, Russel Simmons, The Edge, Stephan Baldwin, Vera Wang, Sean Parker, Marjorie Gubelmann, Lizzie Grubman, Caroline Berthet, Marielle Safra, Ethan Zorn, Caryn Zucker, Anne Dexter Jones, Jeffe Greene, Keliean van Ressler, Jamie Diner, Jacob and Angela Arabo, Haute Living Publisher Kamal Hotchandani and JR and Loren Ridinger were all there.

Drew Katz bid on U2 package that was a big auction piece of the night. The night was spectacular. Bronson van Wyck did all of the decor. There was so much love and energy in the room. The evening ended with Richard Kilstock and The Edge performing for the crowd.

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