Marshall Sentenced for Stealing from Mommy

This year’s bad son award most definitely goes out to Anthony Marshall, who was sentence to one-to- three years in prison for looting his mother’s money. Although his lawyer argued that Marshall had served in WWII and that his mother, now deceased, would most likely not want him to go to prison, state Supreme Court Justice, A. Kirke Bartley ruled that he had to give him a sentence.

Brooke Astor gave away nearly $200 million in charity when she was alive. She died at the age of 105 in 2007.  Marshall was accused of helping himself to her artwork, and manipulated Astor into changing her will, which steer tens of millions of dollars that had already been assigned to charities. At the hearing Marshall was emotionless, leaving prosecutors to describe him as “an unrepentant thief who deserved punishment,” reported the San Francisco Gate. The man accused of helping him steal his mother’s money, Francis X. Morrissey Jr. was also sentenced to one to three years’ prison.

The accusations began with allegations that Astor was being treated very poorly during her final days with Alzheimer’s. The allegations that she was forced to sleep in a torn nightgown on a dirty sofa were never proven, but they lead to the trial that sentenced her only son to prison. The defense argued that with his healthy a prison sentence would most likely kill him, the judge gave Marshall until January 19th to give his medical information to prison officials.

Via: SF Gate