Health, News | November 20, 2018

Kelsey Wells Discusses Her PWR Program, Inspiration, And Hitting The Gym Post-Pregnancy

Health, News | November 20, 2018

At the age of 29, Kelsey Wells has become one of the most sought after personal trainers in the world. With an impressive following of over 1.3M Instagram followers, Kelsey uses her platform to provide health and fitness advice to women around the world.

Kelsey rose to influence following her transformation photos in 2016 when her message of wanting women to feel beautiful were heard online. Her Instagram post ‘Screw the Scale’ went viral in July of that year when various media outlets acknowledged Kelsey’s passion and desire to share her message with women of the world. The impact of Kelsey’s voice has only continued to grow as she continues to help her community focus on self-love, inner strength and lifting weights without intimidation in the gym.
Most recently Kelsey is a proud Sweat trainer and the creator of two workout programs; PWR – a gym-based weight training program designed to help women sculpt lean muscle and increase their overall strength, and Post Pregnancy – designed to carefully assist women in regaining their strength and confidence after having children through low impact abdominal, pelvic floor and full body workouts. Taking a holistic approach to postpartum health, Kelsey encourages women to care for and nurture their bodies.
Haute Living caught up with Kelsey during her most recent trip to New York to discuss her fitness program, how she really feels about gym inspiration as well as wise words to women struggling to get back into the gym after giving birth.

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Tell us what the PWR is and how you came up with it.

The thought behind the name PWR aka Power is that I want to help women empower themselves through fitness. I empowered myself through fitness and saw how it changed my life. It was a complete journey to self-love and confidence. The baseline of my program is always to empower women.

This is a strength-based program that begins with 3 lifting sessions every week and graduates to 4 required sessions with 2 optional sessions.

I’ve taken classical proven weight training techniques and blended them to maximize time and effort spent in the gym. I took my favorite aspects of strength straining to create a very researched and science based program that allows women to get the most they can in the shortest amount of time.

What inspires you to get up every day and work out?

First and foremost, it’s my well-being and the mental and emotional stability it provides me. It’s my baseline. Exercise is my form of therapy and that’s my number one thing. I’m so inspired by my community and just knowing there are thousands of women in the world training with me – it’s the coolest and most surreal thing to me. I love doing my program with them and watching it affect people across the globe.

What advice would you give to new moms struggling to get back in the gym?

It’s a rough time. You’re very time poor and you’re very sleep deprived. There are a lot of delicate emotions to be felt right now. Give yourself grace. There is so much pressure both externally and internally – let it go. You need to have an understanding that your body needs to heal and your body will get there. Appreciate what your body just went through and have patience. Go from a place of self-love and gratitude. Don’t wait around until you’re motivated. Motivation is not real it is fleeting. What really will get you to your goals is discipline; prioritize your health especially on days you don’t feel like it. The more you do that, the easier it becomes.

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Fitness is so much more than just looking great – what are the other important side effects/benefits of working out?

Fitness is primarily not about the aesthetics and I will always stand by that. The first changes I felt and saw were not things I saw in the mirror. These included having more energy, sleeping better, and combating anxiety holistically. Emotionally I felt an appreciation for my body because I truly believe that when you start caring about yourself you understand and remember that you are worth taking care of. That’s what happened for me and the benefits are endless. Loving yourself and taking care of yourself is the biggest benefit.

How do you make time for exercise when you’re busy running around with a young family? How can others make time?

It might sound harsh but at the end of day we make time for the things that matter most to us.  Women need to prioritize their health and wellness. I know that it’s hard but it doesn’t have to be hours each day but you do need to move your body and incorporate active living. You need to look after your heart health. Benefits of exercise go behind aesthetics. It’s about choosing to make it a priority.

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What is it like being a part of the world’s largest women’s fitness community?

Its super surreal and humbling. There isn’t a day that I am not so aware and grateful of the community I am a part of. I’m very proud to be a part of SWEAT because it’s a company that allows me to work alongside like minded fitness professionals in an age where we are coming off exercise fads and diet fads. I truly want women to live happy and healthy lives and I am honored to be a part of it.

Why do you think lifting/weight incorporation is so important for women?

It’s most important to be active. At the end of the day finding a way to be active that works into your life is the number one priority. For me, it’s weight training. I want more women to understand that it’s an option for them. There is a stigma against woman and weights that I’m trying to combat. It’s an incredible option for everyday fitness and has so many benefits. It’s an amazing way to empower yourself through fitness.

What advice would you give women who are hesitant to lift weights?

Take the leap. So many women write and say they are intimidated and I don’t negate that because that’s real. It’s very intimidating and you feel nerves and fear and out of place but you have to take the leap and do it anyway. It is incredible to watch how that intimidation and fear turns into confidence and power so quickly. Take the plunge and go for it. Go through that painful growing process because it is rewarding. It so easily spills out into other areas of your life – that confidence will carry on into your job and your relationships. 

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To keep up with Kelsey, be sure to follow her on Instagram.

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