Dr. Rian Maercks’ Unique, Natural Technique for Beautiful Breasts

Dr. Maercks

The Cold-Subfascial Breast Augmentation is a unique technique created by Dr. Rian Maercks in a response to his distaste for conventional breast augmentations and the fake widely separated appearance. While the general population, especially in Miami, are much more accepting of clearly augmented breasts than they once were, Dr. Maercks and his patients are not fans of the “obviously fake” look. He demand results that appear created by nature.

To achieve this, he developed the Cold-Subfascial Breast Augmentation, a procedure that involves elevating a strong structure called fascia from the chest muscle which is left in its natural place against the chest wall. The Fascia is essentially transformed into a support bra inside the breast that allows Dr. Maercks to actually shape the implant and master its position and slope. The fascial “sculpting” allows the creation of a breast that starts softly at midline and has gently round borders and a slope that softly blends to the clavicle.

Conventional breast augmentation techniques destroy the bottom and midline portions of the muscle. The muscle covers the top of the implants in its now extra-anatomic position and pushes the implants to the sides and downwards, creating a flat space between the breasts that is jokingly referred to as ‘the Miami Valley” at The Maercks Institute. With the Cold-Subfascial Breast Augmentation, Dr. Maercks delivers elegant results to women who otherwise would never consider breast augmentation for fear of the augmented look. Dr. Maercks explains that his patients can go braless in a t shirt and look naturally beautiful or push them up in a bra. Maercks is one of the only surgeons that exclusively uses anatomically shaped tear drop implants that also align with his cause of elegant and deceivingly natural appearing beauty.