All About The Latest Trends In Non-Surgical Butt Lifts

Latest trends are generally associated with fashion and beauty, but our Haute Beauty experts stay up to date with the latest plastic surgery trends, too. Not only are the latest trends non-surgical, but they also require less downtime and still give desired results! Here, renowned, board-certified New York plastic surgeon Dr. Basil Pakeman explains the latest trends in non-surgical butt lifts.

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I would like to divide buttock augmentation into two categories: surgical and non-surgical butt lift.  First, the traditional surgical version of the Brazilian Butt Lift involves liposuction and fat grafting. The combination of liposuction and fat grafting creates a beautiful silhouette by liposuctioning the abdomen, flanks, upper back and sometimes the inner thighs. Once liposuction is completed in these areas, the fat that obtained is purified, and then grafted into the buttocks to add shape and volume. You can further divide the surgical butt lift into three separate subcategories, which denote where primary the work is being done and where the results will be manifested. The first subcategory involves the muscle layer, the second involves the fat layer, and the final subcategory involves the skin layer. In the traditional surgical butt lift, the effects will be primarily in the fat layer and the muscle layer with some secondary effects on the skin.

The latest trend in the butt lift arena involves injectables and treatments without the downtime and risk associated with surgery. In terms of non-surgical butt lifts, the most common non-surgical butt lift procedures are the Sculptra Butt Lift, Emsculpt Butt Lift and the Radio Frequency Butt Lift. Non-surgical buttock augmentation by Sculptra has become an option for patients who do not want to have a traditional Brazilian Butt Lift surgery or who are not the ideal candidate for the traditional Brazilian Butt Lift as they may not have enough fat or do not want to take the risk associated with traditional surgery. Since 2018 the number of Brazilian butt lift Has doubled to over 25,000 procedures as reported by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic surgery. The increase in the number of Brazilian Buttlift Surgeries has also been associated with an increase of deaths, one per 3000 procedures done. These deaths were primarily associated with fat embolism in the lungs. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid that plumps the butt by stimulating your body's own collagen production, and it is not associated with the same risk as a surgical Brazilian Butt Lift.

Sculptra was approved by the FDA for facial plumping in patients with fat wasting syndrome, but it can also be used for a non-surgical butt lift. Sculptra is a powder that is mixed with sterile water that created a diluted solution for smooth injection. Lidocaine, an anesthetic can be mixed within the solution or can be applied topically for comfort. Sculptra is mixed about a week prior to being used which hydrates the product and leads to more even distribution. Multiple injections are placed beneath the skin in the buttocks. There may be mild soreness and discomfort after Sculptra treatment, but patients can assume most of their normal activities and return to work after the treatment. Most of the early results after Sculptra are due to the hydration provided by the sterile water in the Sculptra mixture. The body absorbs the sterile water solution in 24-48 hours leaving behind the particles of Sculptra to transform the buttocks.  There have been multiple studies showing that Sculptra works very well in subsets of patients with fat wasting, but there haven't been any studies to show the benefits and long-term results of Sculptra in non-surgical butt lifting. The early results from Sculptra by many doctors and patients have shown about a 20 to 50% increase in shape and contour, with mild improvement in volume. Sculptra affects primarily the skin and the subdermal layer. The transformation of the butt can be as early as six weeks with continued improvement up to about six weeks for a plumper and more toned look.

The great advantage of Sculptra is that it does not have the downtime associated with a surgical procedure. The disadvantage of Sculptra is that it requires multiple sessions separated by 6 to 12 weeks apart. A treatment session of sculpture requires 5 to 10 vials per treatment at a cost of $800.00 to $1200.00 per vials. The results of Sculptra may last up to 2 or more years. Maintenance treatments with Sculptra can be done to maintain the primary results that one desires, or further enhancements can be done with additional treatments. Sculptra may be a viable alternative for individuals who do not want a traditional butt lift surgery.

The Emsculpt Butt Lift provides the tighter and firmer butt you can achieve from squats at the gym without you ever having to lift the weight. Emsculpt enhances the derriere volume by increases the gluteal muscle mass. Emsculpt device uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy that stimulates the gluteal muscle to contraction 20,000 in a 30-minute span. This is equivalent to a super intense muscle workup beyond what would be physically possible to accomplish in the gym. The high intensity contractions thicken and strengthen the gluteal muscle fibers which increases the muscle mass by 16 percent after four treatments. The recommended treatment is four sessions over a two-week period. The results of the treatment can provide a plumper look in the buttocks. The gluteal muscles that Emsculpt treatments develop will continue to manifest over a couple of months and continues to do so for six months. The muscle gained will be retained only with exercise or maintenance treatments. This is like muscle gained through exercising if you stop going to the gym, your results will not last. You will need annual maintenance treatments as well as regular exercise to maintain your plumped derriere. The cost per treatment is about $1000 and four treatments are recommended for optimal results.

RF Butt Lift ( the radiofrequency butt lift) can create a tighter and more tone butt by the tightening the skin, but it will not add volume. The RF device stimulates the production of collagen in the skin. As the skin tightens the buttock is lifted, giving a more projected and youthful look. The effect is usually visible in about two treatments. With positive results, you can stop at two treatments or add 1-2 more treatments for further improvement. Repeated treatments will be needed on a yearly basis to maintain you RF Butt Lift. The cost of a package treatment is about $3000.

In conclusion, the gold standard of butt lifting is still the surgical Brazilian Butt Lift with liposuction and fat grafting to the buttocks. A Brazilian Butt Lift will give volume, contour, and shape in on procedure that will last for many years. For many individuals, the traditional BBL is a once in a lifetime investment. The risks are higher with BBL, but the benefits are greater. In recent years, plastic surgeons can now perform the traditional BBL with a higher level of safety. Superficial fat injections into the fat layer are by far much safer. A non-surgical butt lift will give a subtle improvement that will naturally fade with time, but it can still change the shape and contour with less lifting effect. For individuals with a limited supply of fat and downtime, a non-surgical butt lift can be a great option. We must also remember that BBL transforms total body contour and shape and not just the buttock. For individuals not interested in liposuction and a dramatic change in buttock size, a non-surgical butt lift can accomplish their desired results.