Get To Know Your New Nose: Debunking The Top 5 Rhinoplasty Myths

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Though the demand for plastic surgery has always existed, especially in metropolitan landscapes, and arguably always will, the age of social media and endless swiping through curated Instagram timelines has amplified desire and has brought on a new target demographic. In this era, prospective clients have become increasingly younger, and as a result, can sometimes be unsure of all of their procedure’s details. 

Of all of the most common facial plastic surgery procedures, rhinoplasty is the most notable and coveted. With the nose being a central and defining facial feature, it's not difficult to imagine that patients crave absolute certainty before going under the knife, yet it is too often found that patients believe various confusing misconceptions, and hold them as truth, both before and after they’ve undergone their surgery. When it comes to your nose, you need to know the facts, read on for the top five rhinoplasty myths, clarified and debunked.

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1 . Rhinoplasties Leave Obvious Scars

When looking to enhance natural beauty and find confidence in one’s physical appearance, intense scarring can be a large fear and can deter prospective patients away from a surgery such as a rhinoplasty. This misconception mistakes the rhinoplasty for a much more invasive surgery than it actually is, and ignores the surgical advancements that have led to the “closed rhinoplasty.” The closed rhinoplasty, or nose-job, reshapes the nose from inside the nostrils, allowing for the surgery to occur faster, and leading to less swelling. Through this procedure method, all of the incisions are contained in the space within the nostrils and are, therefore, invisible from the outside of the nose. This seemingly magical “scarless rhinoplasty” style is a more difficult procedure, but the benefits are exciting and desirable for many patients. But even with the traditional “open nose-job” rhinoplasty procedure method, which can allow for more detail and accuracy in complex rhinoplasty restructuring, there are effective ways to conceal and heal the minor scars. It is advised to use sunscreen liberally and avoid sun exposure for three to six months after the procedure in order to make sure that scarring fades and is ultimately, unnoticeable.

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2. Rhinoplasties Are Purely For Cosmetic Purposes

This misconception, when clarified, could potentially save you thousands of dollars. Though rhinoplasties are classified as one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries and have been for the past several years, many patients look for a medical solution to their respiratory or nasal deformity strife in the renowned rhinoplasty. Cosmetic rhinoplasties are in high demand for sure, but for those who have broken their noses and, therefore, suffer from damaged nasal cavities, or for those born with other internal nasal structural anomalies, and/or experience respiratory difficulties, most insurance providers cover at least some of the cost of the surgery. There are specified medical criteria lists in order to qualify for this insured subsidizing, and cases are possible where the entire procedure is covered. This information is especially worthwhile for those who have deviated septums, or any of the aforementioned nasal issues, yet unfortunately, tend to hide in plain sight… right under our noses. 

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3. Rhinoplasties Permanently Affect Your Senses Of Taste And Smell

In a pandemic-recovering world like the one we are experiencing now, loss or alteration of taste and smell can be very alarming. Rhinoplasties are believed by some to modify these senses permanently, but this is quite rarely ever the case. Though some patients may experience slight changes in taste and smell immediately post-procedure, these changes are finite and senses should fully return in three to six weeks. Many patients wonder why taste can be affected after the nasal procedure, this is because taste and smell are interconnected and thus if the smell is affected, the taste can be influenced as well.

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4. Any Desired Nose Is Achievable With A Rhinoplasty

For many, a rhinoplasty is a means to achieving otherwise absent confidence. For those who struggle with the natural appearance of their nose, rhinoplasty is an appealing and effective solution. That being said, it is often misunderstood that any desirable nose shape is possible for every patient through rhinoplasty surgery. Because of the original anatomy of some noses, certain nose shapes are unattainable; if they were to be created they would look “too done” or “botched.” Instead of aiming for an overdone look, doctors should advise patients to select a balanced nose, and expect to walk away with a nose that compliments them and corresponds with their other facial features. Knowing this ensures that you’ll walk away with a natural-looking nose that blends seamlessly into your face rather than a nose that appears fake.

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5. Any Plastic Surgeon Can Perform A Rhinoplasty

While it is true that any plastic surgeon has the qualifications to perform a rhinoplasty surgery, the nose is an important feature in terms of both function and aesthetics. Prospective patients should look into an experienced surgeon who specializes in the procedure, and who has worked on other individuals with similar goals, in order to ensure precision and natural-looking results. Knowing the facts and trusting the surgeon is optimal, and through this, patients will find the most balanced and rewarding results.