Farhan Munshi On The Intrinsic Relationship Between E-Commerce And Automation

Farhan MunshiPhoto Credit: Farhan Munshi

Written in partnership with Ascend Agency

Operating a successful e-commerce business is fulfilling for many entrepreneurs, but it can be challenging to keep track of all the tasks that need to be done each day. Luckily, e-commerce automation makes it easier to branch out, make more money, and advance your company. Farhan Munshi is an e-commerce expert who has amassed more than USD 30 million in revenue from his stores and is an expert in bringing automation into your business.

E-commerce automation uses software tools to complete tasks for your store instead of using valuable time to do them yourself. Although many tasks still require human beings, a significant number of actions in the e-commerce industry can be done digitally. For example, sending out a welcome email to a new customer doesn’t need manual labor. “When you start your first e-commerce business, you’ll probably be doing everything on your own,” Munshi said. “However, over time, this becomes overwhelming and unproductive, and that’s where automation comes in.” In a successful company, the boss should be spending their time doing high-level tasks like coming up with new products and revenue streams. Automation and outsourcing allow them to spend less time on tasks that could be done in another way. “I automate a fair amount of my business’s tasks. While new employees are helpful, I want them to be freed up, too. If you’ve been running a store for a while, it’s important to look into these options to scale your business for the better.”

Despite his successes, Farhan Munshi has had setbacks in his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur. “When I was learning how to use Facebook ads, I lost money. However, this sacrifice ended up being completely worth it, as I now make a significant amount of my income from these ads. Never give up on your dream, even when you experience setbacks.”

Operating your own e-commerce enterprise is fulfilling and exciting. However, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Adding in automation is the best way to add to your business and make more money in the long run.