This Off-The-Menu Cocktail At The Cosmopolitan Will Actually Change Your Tastebuds

The Verbena cocktail may not be on The Chandelier‘s menu but that hasn’t stopped “the flower drink” from becoming The Cosmopolitan‘s most ordered beverage. More than 100,000 versions of the off-the-menu cocktail were sold last year, entirely spread by word of mouth. 

The Verbena at The Chandelier
The Verbena at The Chandelier

So what makes this cocktail stand out amongst the rest? The Verbena is a tequila-based drink with Szechuan button garnish also referred to by clientele as the “buzz button” flower. As a natural alkaloid, the Szechuan button garnish is packed with spilanthol, a chemical compound that reacts with the drink’s citrus and awakens taste buds to near-supertaster levels.

Once you are served the Verbena, you are encouraged to take a few sips. Once you’ve gotten used to the initial taste, you then chew and swallow the Szechuan button garnish. You will experience a “Pop Rock”-esq sensation that will elevate your tastebuds and enhance your senses. When you go to finish the remainder of the cocktail, you will notice it tastes completely different than when you first tried it. So next time you’re at The Chandelier make sure to order the Verbena or simply ask for “the flower drink,” the servers will know exactly what you’re asking for!

o Leaves of Lemon Verbena
o Ginger Syrup
o Yuzu Sour
o Blanco Tequila
o Szechuan button – garnish