Haute Beauty Experts’ Guide To Routine Revival: Quick Treatments For A Fresh Start

As you gear up for the back-to-school season or a return to your regular routine, finding time for self-care can be challenging. However, a few quick beauty treatments can make all the difference in helping you look and feel refreshed. Whether you're managing a packed schedule or simply want to put your best foot forward, these fast and effective treatments are designed to give you a confidence boost without disrupting your busy life. Explore our Haute Beauty Experts' top picks for a radiant, ready-to-go look this season.

Dr. Husam Almunajed | Smile | New York, NY

As Labor Day approaches and the academic year restarts, it’s a great idea to start the season with a fresh outlook, literally. As it gets busy, we forget to take care of ourselves, and your teeth and gums may be hiding issues that can get worse and will be treated better when found earlier. Seeing your dentist can prevent many issues, as well as getting a thorough cleaning that will keep your teeth sparkling and white, and more importantly, keeping your gums healthy and smelling fresh. We hope seeing your dentist is comfortable and not the dreaded appointment you keep stalling, and we focus on educating and motivating our patients to achieve their best oral health.

For more information, visit Dr. Almunajed's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Flora Fuentes, Unique Hair Concepts | Hair Restoration | New York, NY

Summer starts fades and the back-to-school hustle begins, the stress of the final quarter of the year begins to creep in. As we welcome fall, it’s a perfect time to think about your hair health.

Here are some essential tips to ensure your hair stays healthy and vibrant:

  1. Update Your Hair Care Products: Switch to moisturizing and nourishing products to combat cooler, drier air. Products with extra hydration and protection are key.
  2. Embrace Fall Trends: Ladies try adding rich, warm tones or trying out new styles. Autumn is the perfect time to experiment with a new look.
  3. Tackle Seasonal Challenges: Address hair fall/shedding issues like dryness and hair breakage with deep conditioning treatments and leave-in conditioners. Is your hair thinning? Are you experiencing hair loss? Has your hair become dry or damaged from the sun and swimming in the pool all summer?

Remember to take a moment for yourself during this busy season. Stress can impact your hair health. If you are noticing changes, it might be time to schedule a hair and scalp analysis at Unique Hair Concepts. From scalp therapy treatments, hair loss prevention therapy utilizing the science of trichology, and offering non-surgical hair replacement/ restoration. Unique Hair Concepts can help you prepare for the fall and beyond.

For more information, visit Unique Hair Concepts' website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Michael Gartner | Face & Body | New Jersey

Minimally invasive treatments that require little to no downtime can be beneficial for patients preparing for back-to-school or returning to regular routines. Here are some options:

  1. Botox and Dermal Fillers: These are popular choices for reducing fine lines, and wrinkles, and adding volume to the face. Treatments are quick, often done in under 30 minutes, with minimal downtime.
  2. Chemical Peels: Light to medium peels can help refresh the skin by removing dead skin cells and improving texture and tone. These can often be done with a few days of downtime.
  3. Microneedling: This treatment stimulates collagen production and can improve skin texture and reduce scars. It typically has a short recovery period.
  4. Laser Treatments: For those looking to address pigmentation issues, sun damage, or minor scars, laser treatments like IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) can be effective. Downtime varies, but it's usually minimal.
  5. Skin Care Routine Updates: Sometimes, a professional-grade skincare routine can make a significant difference. Recommending products with active ingredients like retinoids, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid can help maintain skin health.

These treatments offer subtle improvements, allowing patients to return to their routines quickly while feeling refreshed and confident.

For more information, visit Dr. Gartner's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg | Face | Long Island, NY

With the season changing, the weather starting to cool and the holidays looming ahead, it is the perfect time to think about how you can finally deliver on your commitment to do something for yourself. Back to the gym, back to the diet, the change in season brings with it the impetus to look and feel better. Get back to you with the Greenberg Fall Tune-Up.

Now is the perfect time to seek help with those last few inches that you can’t seem to lose. Body contouring can be the answer to reshaping those undesirable areas of the body. The SmartLipo™ MPX is ideal for the neck, jawline, arms, breasts, “bra fat,” abdomen, “love handles,” “saddle bags,” inner and outer thighs, and knees. This technology is light years ahead of outdated liposuction systems with less bruising and a shorter recovery time. If you have been considering a Tummy Tuck post-pregnancy or weight loss, this procedure will have you in great shape in a very short period and you can show off that terrific figure at the upcoming family gatherings and holiday parties.

About Face turns back the hands of time with the appropriate combination of facelift, eyelid lift, rhinoplasty, chin reshaping, and more. If this isn’t the time for a surgical procedure, a Liquid Facelift requires just 20 minutes to restore and contour the cheeks, eyes, jawline, and lips to refresh and rejuvenate the face. My cutting-edge device Morpheus8 remodels collagen on the face and body to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles while improving skin tone, texture, and laxity for a more youthful appearance. CoolPeel is the coolest new way to rejuvenate crepey skin on the face and neck achieving the benefits of traditional CO2 without extensive downtime. IPL Photorejuvenation targets sun damage, brown spots, and veins and chemical peels exfoliate dull summer skin revealing a healthy glow.

Now that the kids are back to school, this is the perfect time to have the cosmetic procedure or treatment that you’ve always wanted and start on the path to a younger-looking and feeling you! Schedule your complimentary consultation today, call 212-319-4999, or visit www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com.

For more information, visit Dr. Greenberg's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. S. Alexander Earle | Body | Miami, FL

One quick and effective way to shed those extra pounds gained during summer vacation is through the use of Ozempic. At Pure Plastic Surgery, we’ve seen how this treatment can help patients kickstart their weight loss journey by regulating blood sugar levels and reducing appetite. Ozempic isn’t just for managing diabetes; it's also a powerful tool in helping to control weight, which is often the first step in achieving your overall health and aesthetic goals. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it’s the right choice for you. Combining this treatment with a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you get back on track and ready to take on the new season with confidence.

For more information, visit Dr. Earle's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Natalia Vidal Laureano | Face | Coral Gables, FL

Labiaplasty is a transformative procedure that can significantly boost confidence, especially for women who feel self-conscious about the appearance of their intimate areas. At Pure Plastic Surgery, we approach labiaplasty with the utmost care and sensitivity, understanding that this is a deeply personal decision. The procedure is designed to reduce excess tissue and improve symmetry, leading to increased comfort and a more positive body image. For women looking to enhance their confidence as they return to their routines, labiaplasty offers both aesthetic and emotional benefits, helping them feel more empowered in their everyday lives.

For more information, visit Dr. Vidal's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Garrett Wegerif | Breast | Coral Gables, FL

As we transition back to our regular routines, it’s important to focus on optimizing health the old-fashioned way. At Pure Plastic Surgery, we emphasize the basics: a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. Start by limiting processed foods and increasing your intake of lean protein over carbohydrates. This simple change can boost energy levels and support weight management. For fitness, lifting weights three times a week can enhance muscle tone and metabolism, while aiming for at least 7,000 steps daily keeps your cardiovascular system healthy. Finally, never underestimate the power of sleep—aim for a minimum of seven hours each night to allow your body to recover and function at its best. These foundational steps are key to looking and feeling your best as you step back into your routine.

For more information, visit Dr. Wegerif's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Nammy Patel, Green Dentistry | Smile | San Francisco, CA

As kids head back to school, maintaining good dental health is essential. Here are some unique and holistic dental tips for different age groups:

Kids (1st-5th Grade)

  1. Pack Tooth-Friendly Snacks: Opt for cheese, yogurt, apples, and carrots. Avoid sugary snacks that can lead to cavities like chips and crackers
  2. Hydration with Water: Encourage regular water intake to wash away food particles and keep the mouth hydrated.
  3. Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine: Establish a morning and bedtime brushing routine with fluoride-free toothpaste. My preference is to brush after dinner so no need to worry about snacking too
  4. Lead by Example: Children mimic adult behaviors. Show them the importance of oral hygiene by maintaining your dental health routine.
  5. Mouthguards for Sports: Use custom-fitted mouthguards to protect teeth.
  6. Probiotics: Include probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir to support oral and gut health. You can also use an oral probiotic
  7. Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule a dental check-up before school starts, this is much better than having a dental check-up


  1. Balanced Diet: Promote nutritious meals with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Limit sugary snacks and drinks.
  2. Herbal Mouth Rinse: Use natural mouth rinses made from herbs like peppermint or tea tree oil to maintain oral health.
  3. Orthodontic Care: Maintain good hygiene with braces using natural toothpaste and floss.
  4. Mouthguards for Sports: Ensure use during sports this will help avoid dental trauma.
  5. Probiotics: Encourage the intake of probiotic-rich foods or supplements to maintain oral and digestive health or oral probiotic
  6. Avoid Bad Habits: Discourage smoking, vaping, and excessive gum chewing.

Young Adults

  1. Healthy Eating Habits: Continue prioritizing a balanced diet with whole foods and minimally processed sugars.
  2. Regular Dental Check-ups: Keep up with preventive care and cleanings, this is so important as their hormones are still changing
  3. Wisdom Teeth Monitoring: Regular dental visits to address issues early and plan them out with downtime from school.
  4. Stress Management: Use stress-reduction techniques like yoga or meditation to prevent teeth grinding.
  5. Probiotics: Incorporate probiotics through diet or supplements to support overall health.

Prioritize Hygiene and Sleep for All Ages

The first thing I recommend when the kids get home is to shower and get rid of the germs of other kids, this will allow their bodies an opportunity to reacclimatize. This will also allow them to remove all that snot so they can breathe better. I also recommend using essential oils like lavender to promote restful sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for dental health. Ensure sufficient, uninterrupted sleep to prevent bruxism and support overall health. Good sleep with also help integrate all they have learned all day at school.

By following these holistic dental tips with good hygiene and prioritizing good sleep, children, teens, and young adults can maintain healthy smiles and establish lifelong dental hygiene habits.

For more information, visit Green Dentistry's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Reana Myers, Careaga Plastic Surgery | Body | Miami, FL

As we transition into the back-to-school season and regular routines, it's the perfect time to prioritize self-care. For those looking for quick and effective treatments, Botox remains a top recommendation. This non-invasive treatment works by temporarily relaxing facial muscles to smooth out wrinkles and lines, providing a rejuvenated appearance with minimal downtime.

Another excellent option is laser therapy, which can address skin concerns that may have worsened due to summer sun exposure. Laser treatments can improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and diminish pigmentation issues, giving your complexion a fresh start for the fall.

For those seeking a more advanced solution, Emface is a revolutionary procedure that combines high-intensity electromagnetic energy with radiofrequency to lift and contour the face. This treatment not only tightens the skin but also enhances facial structure, providing a youthful look without the need for surgery.

These treatments offer quick, effective ways to refresh your appearance as you step back into your daily routine.

For more information, visit Careaga Plastic Surgery's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sarah Khan, ARA Med Spa | Medical Spa | Los Angeles, CA

Our favorite back-to-school, end-of-summer, or fall treatment is for promoting scalp health and nourishment. During the summer months, our scalp and hair are exposed to extensive damage through sunlight, humidity, chlorine, salt water, and traveling which wreaks havoc on our self-care practices. Keravive is an invigorating scalp facial treatment by Hydrafacial, which contains growth factors and peptides to renourish the hair.

Keravive is a three-step in-office treatment, complimented by a take-home spray to prolong the results. The first step of the in-office treatment hydrates the hair follicle which leads to less itching and flakiness. This step also cleanses the scalp removing dirt, debris, and dead cells. The second step of the treatment itself involves the application of growth factors and protein peptides directly to the scalp including Vitamin B, Arginine, Peptides, and Niacinamide all to boost hair regrowth. These ingredients are massaged into the scalp which stimulates the circulation delivering increased blood flow to each individual hair follicle. A key feature is the use of LED light therapy which has the benefits of deepening the ingredient penetration depth, decreasing inflammation, and promoting hair growth.

The take-home spray is included complimentary with each treatment to use for daily for 30 days between treatments, containing the same ingredients as the in-office treatment. The treatments can be partial such as targeting only areas of hair thinning such as the crown or temples or fully targeting the entire scalp. It is recommended a series of three treatments are performed consecutively for three months for maximum benefit.

For more information, visit ARA Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Kiran Mian, Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery | Skin | New York, NY

I love that we have quick treatments available that can help undo some of that fun-in-the-sun UV damage we accumulated over the summer months, and get you prepped and ready for "back to school" season. My favorite treatment is a laser called Clear&Brilliant. This gentle laser helps smooth out skin texture, even out skin tone, remove pigmentation from the sun, and bring back radiance to your skin. It helps undo sun damage accumulated over the summer months, and refresh your skin so you are ready to be productive again come fall. My favorite thing about it is the quick turn-around time. With only 2-3 days of dryness, your skin will quickly turn over, revealing new, glowing skin. Once a month treatment for three or so sessions will have you set for the next season!

For more information, visit Dr. Mian's website and Instagram!

Dr. Mario J. Samaha | Body | Miami, FL

As summer winds down and students and professionals alike prepare to return to their regular routines, there’s often a desire to put your best face forward. Whether it’s for a fresh start in the classroom or the office, quick, non-invasive cosmetic treatments can provide a subtle but impactful boost of confidence. As a plastic surgeon, I recommend several procedures that deliver visible results with minimal downtime, allowing you to seamlessly transition back into your busy schedule.

  1. Botox and Dermal Fillers: One of the most popular and efficient ways to rejuvenate your appearance is through Botox and dermal fillers. These treatments can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, lift sagging skin, and restore lost volume in the face. Botox works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and forehead, while fillers can add volume to areas like the cheeks and lips. Both treatments are quick, typically taking less than 30 minutes, with results lasting several months.
  2. Chemical Peels: For those looking to refresh their skin's surface, a chemical peel is a fantastic option. A light or medium peel can help address sun damage, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin texture. The procedure involves applying a solution that exfoliates the outer layer of the skin, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion. Depending on the strength of the peel, you might experience some redness or peeling for a few days, but the results can be long-lasting, making this an excellent choice for a back-to-school glow.
  3. Laser Treatments: Laser treatments are another quick option for those looking to improve skin texture and tone. Treatments such as laser skin resurfacing or intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy can reduce the appearance of sun spots, acne scars, and other skin imperfections. These procedures usually require little to no downtime, with most patients resuming their daily activities immediately after.
  4. Microneedling: Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that stimulates collagen production by creating tiny punctures in the skin. It’s highly effective in reducing the appearance of scars, fine lines, and enlarged pores. The treatment is quick, typically lasting about 30 minutes, and while you might experience some redness afterward, it subsides quickly, leaving your skin looking rejuvenated.
  5. HydraFacial: If you’re looking for an immediate boost in radiance, the HydraFacial is a top pick. This multi-step facial treatment cleanses, exfoliates, and hydrates the skin, leaving it plump and glowing. There’s no downtime, making it perfect for those needing a quick refresh before returning to their daily routine.

Final Thoughts

The transition from summer to a regular routine is an ideal time to invest in self-care. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or professional, these quick treatments can help you put your best face forward as you step into the new season. Always consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the best options for your specific needs and ensure safe, effective results.

For more information, visit Dr. Samaha's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Heather Merlo, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics | Medical Spa | Tampa, FL

At Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics, we believe in the power of results and rejuvenation. Our range of treatments is designed to help you unwind and refresh, especially after the summer months. Our soothing facials are perfect for those seeking a moment of calm, offering rejuvenation and a luxurious experience to leave your skin balanced and glowing.

As we transition into fall, it's also essential to address any summer skin damage. Our light-based devices, such as IPL, effectively target sunspots and uneven skin tone, while our Morpheus8 Radiofrequency Microneedling resurfaces and tightens the skin, preparing you to look your best for the upcoming holiday season.

For those gearing up for back-to-school or returning to their regular routines, we recommend quick, effective treatments like our customized Essential Facial or a revitalizing Salt Facial. These options provide an instant boost to your skin's appearance with no downtime.

Whether you’re seeking relaxation or a result-driven, quick pick-me-up, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics is your go-to wellness institute.

For more information, visit Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics' website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Ralph Garramone | Body | Fort Myers

I think it's time we all take a deep breath. The world is full of many unknowns right now, and it’s causing stress that impacts our well-being and our ability to rejuvenate naturally. I notice a lot of women taking care of everyone else but not themselves. We can talk about self-care endlessly, but what are we truly doing to carve out moments of solitude and joy for ourselves? Sure, a Hydrafacial or Botox appointment can lift your spirits and boost your confidence, but we have to prioritize our own needs, especially with all the busyness of back-to-school obligations and other commitments this time of year, and before you know at the holidays will be upon us. I am encouraging everyone to take moments for themselves; we all deserve that time to recharge and boost our confidence. Some of my favorite treatments are a deep cleansing diamond glow facial, Sofwave treatment to lift and tighten my face and neck, red light therapy session to help with inflammation while rebuilding my collagen, and EMSCULPT to give my stomach And core more strength and then a deep tissue massage. I also find that Botox in the neck and the trapezius muscle near the shoulders is a wonderful cure and relieves muscle tension and upper backaches. Having a Lymphatic drainage facial massage is another refreshing treat that always makes me feel great. The last thing I think is crucial this time of year is finding the time to erase all the summer sun damage and just have that Chemical Peel that you've been procrastinating. It's like taking an eraser to your skin. It really does a fantastic job, of cleaning up your skin and helping you achieve a renewed glow. There are so many options available, and a lot of it just requires a little planning. Let’s make self-care a priority. When you look good you can't help but feel great! You are worth it!

For more information, visit Dr. Garramone's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, MD, FAAD | Skin | Philadelphia, PA

Did you have too much fun in the sun this summer? We have a recommendation for the fall that will have your skin buffed for the holiday season!

CO2Lift® PRO Carboxy Gel treatment: A carboxy gel mask is applied to your face for 45 minutes. The neck and decollete can be treated as well. We recommend using 3 masks the first week and then weekly for 3 weeks. Maintenance can be done monthly or more frequently as needed. The treatments can be done in the office and at home. Carboxytherapy uses carbon dioxide (CO2) to regenerate the skin. When CO2 is delivered through the gel to the skin, the body responds by rushing oxygen-rich blood to the tissue leading to an induction of new collagen, tissue regeneration, and increased oxygenation and microcirculation. CO2Lift® Carboxy Gel helps to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, crepey skin, dark undereye circles, inflamed skin, textural irregularities, dehydration, enlarged pores, and dull tone.

For more information, visit Dr. Cirillo-Hyland's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sam Rizk | Face | Upper East Side

Two procedures specifically come to mind: the vertical facelift, and the blepharoplasty.

My vertical facelift redefines the contours of the face by vertically repositioning the skin and underlying structures. Unlike horizontal lifts, which often result in noticeable scarring and distorted facial features, the vertical approach minimizes incisions, avoiding that stretched appearance around the mouth and eyes. By lifting both the skin and the Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System (SMAS) together as a unified unit, I’m able to create incredibly natural results. One of the key advantages of my vertical lift is its remarkably swift recovery time. I’ve developed a technique that eliminates the need for post-operative drains, opting instead for surgical tissue sealants that expedite healing. As a result, my patients typically return to their daily routines within a week.

Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, can be performed on the upper lids, the lower lids, or both. On the upper lids, it can improve sagging, lax skin that results in skin folds and disrupts the natural contour of the lids, or excess fat that manifests as puffiness. On the lower lids, it can improve significant droopiness and puffiness. The procedure, which can be performed under general anesthesia or a combination of sedation and local anesthesia, involves removing pockets of fat from carefully placed incisions along the natural folds of the eyelid and then smoothing the targeted area with tissue glue or sutures. Like the vertical facelift, patients can expect to be back to work in a week.

For more information, visit Dr. Rizk's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Julia Bifulco, Bellagena Med Spa | Day Spa | Bradenton, FL

As the back-to-school season rolls in, or as you return to your regular routine, it's the perfect moment to give your skin some much-needed attention. Summer fun often leaves our skin looking a bit tired and worn, but with a few quick treatments, you can start the new season glowing and refreshed.

  • Glo2 Facial: Instant Glow: The Glo2 Facial is an ideal treatment for busy schedules. This innovative facial combines exfoliation and oxygenation to revitalize your skin in under an hour. It’s perfect for banishing dullness and bringing back that healthy, radiant glow—just in time for the new season.
  • Microdermabrasion: Smooth and Renew: If your skin is feeling rough or congested after the summer, Microdermabrasion is a quick and effective way to refresh your complexion. This treatment gently removes dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. It’s a great option for a fast skin reset with minimal downtime.
  • Monthly Facials: Consistent Care: While quick treatments are fantastic for an instant boost, maintaining a routine of monthly facials ensures your skin stays in top condition all year round. Regular facials help address ongoing skin concerns and keep your complexion balanced and healthy as the seasons change.

As you prepare for the busy months ahead, don’t forget to invest in yourself. A little time spent on your skin now will pay off with lasting radiance and confidence. Make this school year—or return to routine—your most glowing one yet!

For more information, visit Bellagena Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Anna Chacon | Skin | Miami, FL

Here are my recommendations for quick treatments for those preparing for back-to-school or returning to regular routines:

  1. Hydration: Keeping your skin well-hydrated is fundamental. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For dry skin, opt for a cream-based moisturizer, while those with oily skin should choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic lotion.
  2. Sunscreen: Regardless of the season, sunscreen is a must. Use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This prevents premature aging and reduces the risk of skin cancer.
  3. Cleansing: Regular cleansing helps keep your skin free from dirt, oil, and impurities. Cleanse your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser to maintain a clear complexion.
  4. Spot Treatments: For acne-prone skin, have a spot treatment with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Apply it directly to blemishes to reduce inflammation and speed up healing.
  5. Healthy Diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins promotes healthy skin. Minimize sugary foods and drinks, which can trigger breakouts.
  6. Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for skin rejuvenation. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to help your skin recover and glow.
  7. By following these simple steps, you can maintain healthy and radiant skin even during the busiest times. I hope these tips are helpful for your readers.

For more information, visit Dr. Chacon's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Renata Almedia, Naples Aesthetic Institute | Body | Naples, FL

For those gearing up for back-to-school or settling back into their regular routines, it's essential to maintain a clear and healthy complexion despite the hustle of everyday life. That's why we recommend the Face Reality acne program. A holistic and targeted solution that's both effective and gentle on the skin. Whether you're a student facing school stress or a teacher managing a packed schedule, clear skin shouldn't be another worry on your list.

To support your journey, we're offering a special 20% discount on facials for all teachers and students. Remember, confidence starts with feeling good in your skin, and we're here to help you achieve just that.

For more information, visit the Naples Aesthetic Institute'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Marianna Farber | Smile | Midtown NY

For those who are in the process of back-to-school preparation as well as for those returning to regular routines, it's a good idea to get your exam and cleanings as well as any other planned dental treatment done.

For more information, visit Dr. Marianna Farber'website and Instagram!