The Most Requested Male Body Contouring Procedures Right Now

Body contouring and weight loss treatments or procedures are commonly thought of as only for women, but that is farthest from the truth. These treatments and procedures are just as much of a necessity for men too. We caught up with some of the Haute Beauty Experts to learn more about the transformative body procedures for men and get insight into the surgeon's approach to get the most natural-appearing results.

Male Tummy Tuck

male tummy tuckPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

Dr. Kiran Gill, Body Expert, Naples FL

In male Tummy Tuck patients, excess skin is removed from the lower abdomen just as in female patients. What differs in the male is the need for rectus muscle plication. In female patients, I plicate the rectus muscles in over 95% of patients because with pregnancy these muscles spread apart. In Male, there is rarely rectus muscle diastasis that needs to be repaired.

Good candidates for male tummy tucks are usually men that have lost a fair amount of weight, leaving loose skin throughout the abdomen. The scar lies low, just like in females; therefore there is no issue going to the beach or pool in swimwear.

Male Breast Removal Surgery

Dr. Rian Maercks, Breast Expert, Miami/Fort Lauderdale

gynecomastia Photo Credit: The Maercks Institute

Gynecomastia is the abnormal growth of breast tissue in males and is multifactorial but can be commonly caused by the use of anabolic steroids. It is important to understand the cause before treating a patient. Depending on the findings, treatments can include liposuction techniques, excision through hidden scars, and complete reconstruction of the male chest, much like a female to male chest surgery.

Keys to the treatment are removing the excess tissue and creating a masculine chest form while hiding scars and using them to augment the result. Sometimes fat grafting is used as well.

We commonly use advanced techniques with liposuction to create a natural-appearing "etched" abdominal area which allows the naturally beautiful muscular contours to show through. This must be done artfully to respect the overall composition and form of the individual patient's body. It is very important to assess and highlight the underlying anatomical contours so that even if the patient gains or loses weight, the results persist and keep a naturally toned appearance. The patient has minimal recovery and the whole experience is generally pain-free allowing the patient to carry on with regular life and work as if nothing happened.