All The Benefits Of IV Therapy

Since 2013 Dr. Raheleh Sarbaziha, Dr. Rahi for short, has been reimagining the realms of integrative medicine and aesthetic beauty, bringing a unique perspective and approach. Armed with her qualifications from Ross University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto, Dr. Rahi ventured out to share her knowledge of the human body with the nation and world. With a fellowship in Integrative Medicine Dr. Rahi today specializes in helping her patients look and feel more confident.

Dr. Rahi sits down with Haute Beauty to talk about the importance of maintaining immunity and the other wellness benefits that come with IV Therapy treatments. 

IV Therapy Los AngelesPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

HB: What is IV Therapy?

IV Therapy is the direct infusion of vitamins into the veins, it allows for larger doses that are better absorbed by the body. IV's are great for a boost in immunity, weight loss, sleep, migraine prevention, and regulation of many other essential bodily functions

HB: The importance of maintaining immunity and how does IV therapy help to do that?

IVs can help boost your immune system with high doses of Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Magnesium and other vitamins and antioxidants to help your immune system function at an optimal level.

HB: What are the types of IV therapy you offer?

Vitamins for immunity, for weight loss, for sleep regulation, migraine prevention, for detoxification and brightening of the skin!

HB: What is the treatment process like?

You come into the office for the appointment and check-in. Make sure you hydrate well before your appointment! We will start the infusion, you will lie back and relax. Usually takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. You should instantly feel more awake, hydrated and energized!

Dr. RahiPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

HB: How often should someone get IV therapy?

As often as weekly but at least monthly!

HB: What is the cost?

Anywhere from $200-$550.

For more information, visit Dr. Raheleh Sarbaziha's social media: