SculpSure Gets Rid of Your Double Chin For Good

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The popularity of non-surgical fat reduction treatments has soared in recent years thanks to its ability to permanently minimize stubborn areas of fat. With more treatment options than ever, Reana Myers, MMS, PA-C of Careaga Plastic Surgery in Coral Gables, Florida shares the details about SculpSure, one of the newest non-invasive ways to reduce a double chin (and other pockets of fat) with no downtime.

I see countless patients bothered by a double chin, and this stubborn fat is often due to genetics although carrying excess weight can make it more pronounced. In the past, surgical liposuction was the only solution for eliminating this bulge, which is technically called submental fat. The introduction of Kybella in 2015 provided an injectable means of permanently reducing a double chin, and although effective, it may cause significant swelling that can persist for two or more days after each treatment. Most of my patients want to avoid any sort of downtime or visible signs that they’ve had anything “done” and get right back to their usual activities, which is why SculpSure is the ideal way to improve a double chin.

Unlike other non-invasive fat-reduction technologies that utilize cold, ultrasound or radiofrequency energies, SculpSure uses a diode laser to permanently destroy fat cells with heat while simultaneously cooling the skin for patient comfort. SculpSure does not incorporate suction to help draw the fat into the treatment handpiece (as some other treatments do), which eliminates the risk of bruising and tenderness following treatment. After treatment, the destroyed fat cells are naturally expelled by the body.

Submental Sculpsure

Each SculpSure session takes 25 minutes from beginning to end, and there’s no need for numbing beforehand. Most patients feel a cold sensation at first, followed by deep warmth or tingling—I’ve never had a patient say treatment was “painful.” In most cases, two treatments are required for optimal results, which are visible in as little as six weeks although it can take up to 12 weeks to see the final outcomes. An overwhelming majority of patients are happy with the improvement SculpSure delivers for their double chin without the need for surgery or downtime.

SculpSure is ideal for other areas of the body as well, including the abdomen, love handles, back and thighs. These treatments take 25 minutes as well, and provide results within 12 weeks without downtime. However, the number of treatments necessary may depend on the size of the area and the amount of fat, and it is important to keep in mind that SculpSure and other non-invasive fat-reduction treatments are not a means of weight loss, but rather a solution for stubborn pockets of fat that persist despite a healthy diet and regular exercise.

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