Dealing with Short-Term Renters Is the Biggest Challenge of BNB Arbitrage: Why Corporate Housing is better, pe...
The new world is full of new opportunities. There are so many opportunities that all it takes is someone to realize that a window exists, lean in, and take the plunge. And before they know it, they are swimming along in the current of success unimagined. That’s exactly what DrChauBnB experienced when he transitioned from a pharmacist to becoming a full-time Airbnb coach. In this article, he shares his insights on why it’s better to focus on the corporate housing of BNB Arbitrage instead of dealing with short-term renters.
Airbnb changed the way we use and rent spaces. However, the business model is more than what many have come to believe. For entrepreneurs like DrChauBnB, it was all a matter of looking for gaps that might get more out of what the model currently offers. And he decided that the window that he’s going to open for himself is one where he can leverage other people’s properties to companies. This road and thus the pain he avoided in choosing corporate over short-term renters was a blessing in disguise. Encouraging young people to do the same, he says, “There are many reasons that should make one choose corporate housing over short-term renters as an Airbnb Arbitrage. And they are all practical. For one, short-term tend to treat a property with disregard and I’m talking out of 7 years of experience. They generally tend to book a place for partying and trash it leaving you to beat the cost of maintenance. Corporate Housing, however, leaves you with less work on your hands because they tend to take care of the property. Also, corporate housing allows you to earn for months instead of days as corporates tend to book for longer periods.”
Written in partnership with Digital Nod