How Drayson Little Became A Millionaire With Only A Laptop

Written in partnership with Ascend

Photo Credit: Drayson Little

Technology plays a vital role in achieving success in today’s world. However, for Drayson Little, nothing pays off more than hard work, creativity, and determination.

At the young age of 21, Drayson Little finds himself on top of the world, living his best life. Other than his competency in using technology, he is passionate about his online businesses that have been a result of his perseverance to succeed in life. Drayson Little wanted to be able to work from anywhere in the world with only a laptop. This dream has been possible as he created successful e-commerce businesses through hard work and determination.

The Story of Drayson Little

Drayson Little wanted to live the life of his dreams and be able to travel around the world, being able to work out of his laptop. He knew that the advent of the internet, social media, and other technological developments were going to help him. He was searching for a lot of ways to start an online business and found e-commerce and dropshipping.

How it all began

Drayson Little has provided a little glimpse of the beginning of his journey in becoming a successful entrepreneur. He was in his sophomore year in college when he began his first venture. Drayson just had his tonsils removed and was determined to look for ways to earn money using his computer.

He came upon numerous topics related to dropshipping and was curious. He wanted to try e-commerce and build his online business with dropshipping. His perseverance and the lessons he has learned throughout the journey have made him a huge success.

Thriving in difficulties

Dropshipping is an e-commerce fulfillment method where the customer gets the product directly shipped from the manufacturer/distributor, instead of the retailer. Drayson found out that this type of fulfillment was cost-efficient since it didn’t require warehouses to stock inventories.

Drayson encountered numerous struggles when he first started, but never did not stop trying. He recalled that the first three months were the most difficult, but he eventually landed on a proven model and smoothly ventured into the online business world. Several months of consistent growth and he was able to create and manage successful e-commerce websites from his home, using only his laptop.

Dropshipping tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Drayson’s experiences have led him to become an inspiration for many, especially young entrepreneurs around the world. He wants to inspire more people and want them to be successful in life by following his lead.

The first tip from Drayson is to not give up easily on online business if it does not seem to work. Next is to continue to figure out the tactics that will work better and improve the business. The third tip is to try and look at the business through the eyes of the customer. These tips have helped Drayson Little become a young and successful entrepreneur and he believes they will help others too. He is active on Facebook and Instagram where he loves to connect with aspiring entrepreneurs.


All it takes is motivation to begin. Passion combined with hard work and determination is the potent formula for great success. Drayson Little has certainly proven that it is possible to build an online business empire and actively manage and grow it with only a laptop and internet connection.