Anthony Del Rio Talks About How Dropshipping Ended His Financial Struggle

Written in partnership with Ascend

Photo Credit: Anthony Del Rio

Anthony Del Rio is one of the top dropshippers on Amazon who is earning six to seven-figure revenue per month by selling products. He is the owner of Ecomdelrio, a dropshipping brand, and Steadyecom, an online business course provider. Anthony Del Rio had a humble beginning and transformed his life after he realized the immense potential of e-commerce.

Anthony Del Rio used to work two jobs for a living. He saved some money to enroll in business courses. His interest gradually grew in e-commerce platforms. He wanted to explore more about e-commerce and how it worked. After spending thousands of dollars on e-learning courses, he realized that dropshipping can be a perfect business venture for him.

Living on minimal income, he had no capital to invest in his business. With dropshipping, he realized that he didn’t have to purchase or store any inventory. This way he didn’t need to have an infrastructure to begin his business. He squeezed out some time from his schedule to open a dropshipping store with Amazon. He realized that Amazon was the preferred e-commerce store for the global audience. People from all over the world purchase products on Amazon. Hence, it was clear for him that by offering his products on Amazon he could reach more customers without convincing them much about his products. This way he would save a lot of money which otherwise would be spent on promotion and marketing. As he started finding good suppliers, consumers began to get genuinely interested in buying his products.

After just 3 months into his dropshipping business, Anthony Del Rio was able to quit his jobs. He wanted to focus more on his newfound financial freedom as an Amazon dropshipper. After seven months into the business, Anthony Del Rio was already earning a six-figure revenue. The business changed his life in a short period of time and now he is living his dreams.

Anthony Del Rio wants to inspire others to start their business without slogging at a job they don’t like. He realized that most people hesitate to start a business because they are afraid of the risks associated with it. Anthony also faced a lot of hardships initially in his business. Things were not easy for him and besides having spent thousands of dollars on learning about e-commerce, he also made a few bad decisions that resulted in losses. However, he learned from his mistakes and came out stronger.

Anthony Del Rio doesn’t want others to make the same mistakes he did. He wants to share his knowledge and experience with people who are interested in venturing into dropshipping. Through Steadyecom, Anthony Del Rio is offering courses to aspiring businessmen to help them in their journey. He wants everyone to put their hard-earned money into good use. All the details about his business Steadyecom and his dropshipping brand Ecomdelrio are available on his Instagram account. He believes that everyone should work hard in their youth so that they can relax in their 40s. According to him, if people are afraid to explore new business avenues as they come up, then they will never be able to achieve their financial independence.