FEATURE WELL: New York’s First Lady – Melania Trump

Another important role Trump has undertaken is that of mother to five-year-old Barron Trump, born in 2006.

“I get up in the morning, get him breakfast, get him ready for school, drop him off at school, then I work on my business,” Trump said. “I pick him up, cook him lunch. It is a full time job, but I enjoy every minute of it. It is unconditional love.”

And Trump wants what every mother wants for her child.

“I just want him to be happy and that is most important,” she said.

In addition to her business pursuits and motherhood, Trump also makes time for philanthropy.

“Not a lot of people are fortunate and it is important to give back,” she said. Among her philanthropic pursuits, Trump was named Honorary Chairwoman for Martha Graham Dance Company, is an active member of the Police Athletic League, an Honorary Chairwoman for The Boys’ Club of New York, and was a Goodwill Ambassador for the American Red Cross for four years. She also rang the NASDAQ closing bell in honor of the Fifth Annual Love Our Children Day and National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

“Once you have a child you can see how sad it is when children are not well,” Trump said. “You want to give them a good future.”

And time for herself is priority, too. When asked what her guilty pleasure was, Trump’s response was a bit surprising.

“There are no guilty pleasures; every woman needs time for herself,” she said. “You need time to charge your batteries or have peace for yourself, even if it’s only 15 minutes. It is very important that once you have a family, you have good balance and you are not nervous or stressed around the children because they can feel that. It is important that you make yourself happy, because no one else will.”

As far as her personal life, we had to ask –what is it really like being married to Donald Trump?

“My life is very normal,” she said. Yet she seems to have an understanding about what it takes to be married to such a successful public figure. “You need to be smart and quick, and independent and intelligent. You need to handle a lot, keep your eyes open and be on your toes,” she said.

With her successful new business venture, her seamless balancing act between wife, mother and entrepreneur and impeccable style to boot, it seems Melania has a firm grasp on just what it takes to be Mrs. Donald Trump.