Exceed Microneedling: The Treatment That Has Exceeded All Of Our Skin Expectations

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Microneedling is a hot topic in the world of skincare. Due to its ability to work on all skin types safely across the face, neck, arm, and chest, this device has exceeded our expectations, literally. The exceed microneedling device is designed for anyone who needs to rebuild collagen, which slowly dissipates at 1% per year after 20 and then drops off around the age of 40. As collagen is the key factor in keeping our skin healthy and strong, many result to treatments that can produce neo-collagenases (new collagen), such as exceed microneedling.

How does Exceed Microneedling compare to other skin pens?

The Candela Exceed device offers enhanced treatment versatility as the first dual-indicated, FDA-cleared medical microneedling system for the treatment of both facial wrinkles and facial acne scars reduction. Each treatment session delivers powerful results with minimal downtime. The device is designed to prevent overheating of the handpiece. With a persistent power with up to 150 needle penetrations per second, this high-precision and adjustable needle speed for consistent penetration.

What is the success rate?

  • 88% of subjects reported significant improvement in their acne scars.
  • 78% of subjects saw an improvement in periorbital wrinkles in just 90 days.
  • 90% of patients saw an improvement in facial wrinkles:
  • 88% reported they would recommend the treatment to family and friends.

What are the benefits?

  • Increased availability of cell nutrients.
  • Triggers the wound healing cascade.
  • Increased growth factors and cell-to-cell communication
  • Promotes Collagen, Elastin, and HA(hyaluronic acid)
  • Reduce and remove acne scars.
  • Melasma.
  • Reduced hyperkeratinization regulates sebum secretin.
  • Triggers immune response and control bacterial and inflammation.

If you are interested in the benefits of Exceed Microneedling, contact Chicago's leading medical spa in Wicker Park, H Med Spa today for a consultation.