Navigating the April Strain: How Haute Beauty Experts Tackle Stress Awareness and Health Advocacy

As April rolls in, so do the heightened pressures and responsibilities within the medical field. National Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day shine a spotlight on the challenges faced by healthcare professionals, urging them to find an equilibrium between providing exceptional care and safeguarding their own mental and physical health. This confluence can amplify stress levels and the risk of burnout. So, we turned to our Haute Beauty experts for their advice on navigating these demands while maintaining both professional effectiveness and personal well-being.

Dr. Mario J. Samaha | Body | Miami, FL

As a plastic surgeon, navigating the demands of my profession during a month like April—marked by observances like National Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day—demands a proactive stance. This ensures both burnout prevention and effective stress management.

First and foremost, prioritizing self-care is essential. This includes maintaining a healthy work-life balance by setting boundaries between professional and personal life. Allocating time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones helps to recharge both physically and mentally. Incorporating stress-reduction techniques into daily routines is also beneficial. This may include mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga, which have been shown to alleviate stress and promote overall well-being.

Effective time management is crucial in managing the demands of a busy medical practice. Setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and delegating when necessary can help prevent feeling overwhelmed and reduce stress levels.

Furthermore, staying connected with colleagues and seeking support when needed can provide a sense of camaraderie and understanding, which is essential in navigating the challenges of the medical profession.

Finally, prioritizing a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, nourishing dietary choices and sufficient sleep not only fosters resilience but also enhances stress management capabilities. By implementing these strategies, I strive to maintain a balanced and fulfilling professional life while prioritizing my well-being and mental health during stress-awareness months like April.

For more information, visit Dr. Samaha's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Iani Silveira, Bella Vida Aesthetics & Wellness | Medical Spa | Miami, FL

As a businesswoman in aesthetics, effectively balancing the demands of the medical profession during April's Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day is vital to me! Clear boundaries, delegation of tasks, and prioritizing self-care are key. During this month of Stress Awareness, I love educating my staff and clients on stress management techniques. I celebrate World Health Day by promoting holistic wellness practices. I foster a supportive work environment and invest in continuous learning. I regularly assess the workload and adjust as needed to prevent burnout. By implementing these strategies, I can manage stress levels, prevent burnout, and maintain a healthy work-life balance in the aesthetics industry.

For more information, visit Bella Vida Aesthetics & Wellness's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Susan B. Fox | Medical Aesthetics | Fort Lauderdale, FL

Burnout is a reality that many of us face, and striking a work-life balance can be particularly challenging, especially for women. I try to have a good balance by exercising and carving out some "me time" every day. Juggling the demands of a career and a family with three teenagers is no easy feat; there's always something demanding attention, whether it's familial obligations or professional responsibilities like managing the office, staff, orders, and payroll. It's an endless cycle. Yet, I've discovered that allocating time for myself is crucial in preventing burnout. I've found that carving out these moments, especially in the early hours, is crucial for my well-being. This not only reduces my stress levels but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and tranquility.

For more information, visit Dr. Fox's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Heather Merlo, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics | Medical Spa | Tampa, FL

As an entrepreneur, national trainer, and medical provider, I encounter numerous daily pressures. However, I've come to understand that prioritizing self-care and family amid these demands is essential for my overall well-being and stress management. Achieving a balance between work and personal life is crucial to prevent burnout and ensure that I remain refueled and replenished. Incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation, indulging in rejuvenating treatments, and relying on my support network for guidance are fundamental strategies for effectively managing my stress. When I'm not at the office or training, you'll often find me at the ballpark, cheering on my sons as they play ball, or indulging in beauty trips to Sephora with my three young daughters. It's the positive stress we crave—an ever-present reminder that our time together is finite, urging me to fully savor each moment and embrace the present.

Additionally, I am committed to consistently raising the bar by setting goals within my practice and rewarding these achievements with well-deserved vacations. These moments serve as opportunities to hit the reset button and recharge fully. Recently, my husband and I ventured to Colombia as part of our expansion into another endeavor within our practice, and we have plans to visit Argentina in the fall. These vacations serve a dual purpose, not only for unwinding but also for crafting enduring memories with my family and replenishing my spirit for the tasks ahead. Achieving a harmonious equilibrium among professional duties, and personal commitments, and revitalizing escapades is vital for a gratifying and enduring existence, at least in my perspective. So cheers to National Stress Awareness Month!

For more information, visit Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics' website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jose Rodríguez-Feliz | Eyelid Surgery & Face | Miami, FL

Burnout – it’s a real deal in medicine and should not be taken for granted. In my opinion, the two most common sources are financial and administrative. Doctors have a reputation for wanting to live above their means. In many instances, they justify this in their mind as: “I deserve this and that because I spent 15 years starting.” The reality is that this should not be the case. Careful management of personal finances is crucial for success in the medical field, particularly for those in private practice. However, the administrative complexities of running a practice can be daunting. Many doctors find themselves unequipped, both mentally and educationally, to navigate the business aspects of their profession. Consequently, they may hesitate to intertwine business with medicine. Yet, mastering fundamental business concepts lays the groundwork for efficient operations within a medical practice, ultimately empowering physicians to focus on their core passion: practicing medicine.

For more information, visit Dr. Rodríguez-Feliz's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Brian K. Machida | Face | Los Angeles, CA

Beyond medicine, two other pillars of importance shape my life. Firstly, I carve out precious moments to unwind with my family, ensuring my presence for all significant family occasions. Secondly, I am engaged in a pursuit beyond the realm of medicine—a journey towards a doctorate in ministry. This academic endeavor not only broadens my understanding of faith but also enriches my spiritual growth.

For more information, visit Dr. Machida's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

The Wellness Lab | Health & Wellness | Naples, FL

Burnout has always been a strong topic always talked about among people within the medical profession. Before launching our own IV company, we gained experience within major hospital systems. Despite facing significant challenges in managing administrative tasks and extra patient loads, venturing into business ownership has proven even more demanding, given its round-the-clock nature. Balancing these responsibilities with raising a family can lead to severe burnout. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I heavily emphasize stress management and self-care to all of my patients, and the importance of taking time for ourselves especially when life becomes overwhelming.

I focus on healthy sleep 7-8 hours per night, minimizing alcohol, and exercising at least 5 times a week. Pick a workout class that makes you feel excited to go to. I choose workout classes that ignite excitement. Recently, I've reduced my carbohydrate intake as studies show high-carb diets may exacerbate mental health issues like anxiety and depression. And remember, seeking professional help should never be a source of shame or embarrassment, we've all been there at some point!

For more information, visit The Wellness Lab's websiteInstagram, or Facebook! 

Dr. Anna Chacon | Skin | Miami, FL

As a dermatologist, I navigate the challenges of April with a mindful approach, particularly in light of National Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day. In my practice, I prioritize patient care alongside personal well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of the two. By fostering an atmosphere of empathy and understanding, I strive to create a healing environment that benefits both patients and myself. Moreover, I continually seek opportunities for growth and education, ensuring that I can provide the most effective and up-to-date treatments for my patients. Outside of work, I prioritize self-care activities that nourish my mind, body, and spirit, allowing me to approach each day with renewed energy and enthusiasm. By embracing this holistic approach to wellness, I am better equipped to navigate the demands of my profession while maintaining a sense of balance and fulfillment.

For more information, visit Dr. Chacon's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Paul Durand, Careaga Plastic Surgery | Body | Miami, FL

Navigating the demands of the medical profession, especially during April's focus on stress awareness and health, requires a careful balance. From the pressures of residency to the daily grind of patient care, physicians face ongoing challenges. In my experience, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. Despite spending most of my time with patients and in surgery, I make it a priority to disconnect outside of work. Quality time with family and friends, along with travel, helps me reset and recharge. This balance enables me to provide the best care to my patients while finding fulfillment in my daily work.

For more information, visit Careaga Plastic Surgery's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Amir Mahan Ghaznavi, AMG Plastic Surgery | Body | DMV

During National Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day, I actively prioritize stress management and self-care to maintain balance amidst the demanding schedule of a busy plastic surgery practice. I prioritize healthy habits such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and balanced nutrition. Equally important, I (at least try) to set more boundaries between work and personal life to maintain a better work-life balance. Once a day, I incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as guided meditation, into my daily routine to reduce my stress levels.

Efficient time management, including prioritizing tasks and taking scheduled breaks, helps prevent burnout by ensuring I am not constantly overwhelmed. Finally, I have a strong supportive network with my wife and young boys that offers me a reprieve from the daily grind. By focusing on these strategies, I safeguard my mental well-being, ensuring I remain effective, present, and engaged with my clients during these observances and beyond.

For more information, visit AMG Plastic Surgery's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sarah Khan, ARA Med Spa | Medical Spa | Los Angeles, CA

The American Medical Association describes burnout as a long-term stress reaction that can manifest as emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. It is a common issue with up to 63% of physicians reporting burnout, the reasons for which can include long work hours, increasing patient workload, and time pressures.

As a physician, I try to counteract this in several ways, and of course, I will be tweaking how I do this throughout my career. When my work day is long and overwhelming there is one activity that immediately calms my nervous system, and that is making a to-do list and checking off completed tasks. Personally, writing down all the tasks that need to be done that day takes a load off my mind, and checking off tasks gives a sense of achievement and positive reinforcement.

Outside of work, I prioritize wellness through nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Also, I fill my time before and after work with mindfulness activities that help me stay grounded including meditation, stretching, walking, yoga, and pilates. During weekends, I relish the invaluable moments spent with cherished friends and family. Whenever the opportunity arises, I escape to beautiful travel destinations, seeking to immerse myself in new experiences and breathtaking landscapes.

For more information, visit ARA Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Julia Bifulco, Bellagena Med Spa | Day Spa | Bradenton, FL

As April unfolds, it serves as a poignant reminder for us, especially as women managing the intricate roles of business ownership and hands-on practice in the vibrant world of a medical spa, to prioritize our well-being. National Stress Awareness Month and World Health Day underscore the delicate balance we continually strive to achieve.

As both an entrepreneur and practitioner, the demands can often feel insurmountable, threatening to overwhelm our senses and deplete our energy. Yet, amidst the whirlwind, it is essential to prioritize self-care and stress management. Implementing strategic measures becomes imperative: delegating tasks, setting boundaries, and carving out sacred moments for rejuvenation. Embracing mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, cultivates a sense of inner calm amidst the chaos.

Additionally, fostering a supportive community within our spa environment cultivates camaraderie and shared burdens, alleviating the weight of solitude in our endeavors. Let us use this month as an opportunity to recommit to our well-being, to honor the vessel that allows us to serve others. By prioritizing self-care, we not only prevent burnout but also lay the groundwork for enduring success and fulfillment across both our professional and personal domains.

For more information, visit Bellagena Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Kiran Mian, Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery | Skin | New York, NY

The medical profession isn't just a job; it's an integral part of who we are. As dermatologists, our passion for our field runs deep, permeating various aspects of our lives. Amidst the demands of our profession, National Stress Awareness Month serves as a timely reminder to introspect on how our daily routines impact our well-being.

Personally, I kickstart my mornings with a meditation session, varying in length from a brief 5 minutes to a more immersive 20 minutes. Incorporating exercise into my routine at least thrice a week keeps my energy levels up while immersing myself in nature grounds me.

In our office, fostering a culture of balance and wellness is paramount. Our Wellness Wednesday tradition during lunch hour sees us engaging in group activities such as meditation sessions or therapeutic coloring. These moments of collective relaxation and focus strengthen our team cohesion and resilience.

For more information, visit Dr. Mian's website and Instagram!

Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, MD, FAAD | Skin | Philadelphia, PA

In the earlier stages of my career journey, I admittedly struggled to prioritize self-care. Balancing the demands of parenting, tending to aging parents, and advancing professionally posed genuine challenges. However, as I find myself navigating the latter half of my career, I've come to appreciate the relentless march of time. Recognizing this, I've embraced physical activities like walking, yoga, and weightlifting to nurture both my physical and mental well-being.

I've made a conscious decision to carve out more time beyond the confines of the office, prioritizing moments with my loved ones and ticking off items from my bucket list. While I remain deeply passionate about my career, I understand that investing in my health today will significantly extend my professional journey.

For more information, visit Dr. Cirillo-Hyland's website, Instagram, or Facebook!