Get To Know Health And Wellness Expert Penny Foskaris

Penny Foskaris is a Functional Nutritionist, American Association of Diabetes Educators Paraprofessional Level 1 and a Certified Health Coach. She is also on the Community Leadership Board with the American Diabetes Association and is a member of The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Penny has been seen on NBC, CBS and Fox cooking healthy delicious recipes while teaching the importance of healthy eating. She has helped hundreds of people find the importance of following a balanced diet by eating whole foods through the years. She has spoken in front of hundreds of people teaching the importance of proper nutrition and eating a balanced diet. She created The Fast Foods Diet Cookbook to make it easy to make meals that are healthy and equally delicious.

Penny FoskarisPhoto Credit: Steve Ragland

My greatest achievement:

Reigniting my clients' metabolism regardless of their age.

The future of my field is:

Red and near-infrared light therapy will be used more for fat reduction, skin tightening and pain relief.

The biggest misconception about my field is:

That red and near-infrared light therapy isn’t effective.

My most requested services are:

Fat reduction and skin tightening for face and body.

What advancements in non-invasive procedures are you most excited about?

How quickly red and near-infrared light therapy works for fat loss and skin tightening.

What are you best known for?

I’m best known for getting the fastest results in my industry.

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

There are so many of them. I love it when they finally have the “AHA” moment and realize they don’t have to deprive themselves of nourishing delicious food to lose fat.
What sets my practice apart: We are more than fat melting… I reignite my clients' metabolism, reduce their stress levels and teach them how to eat real food so they can lose fat and not gain it back.

What I love most about my profession is:

I’m changing lives daily.

Career defining procedure?

Combining our stress reduction techniques with the red and near-infrared light therapy have given our clients major improvements in their health.
What new services are you excited to offer? Skin tightening and cellulite reduction.

For more information, visit Penny Foskaris's social media: