Haute Beauty/MD Network continues to host a series of live webinars on Zoom, featuring surgeons, doctors driving innovation, and the thought leaders in their respective fields. The Haute Beauty/MD Network webinars give viewers the opportunity to connect with doctors in real-time to answer all their cosmetic, plastic surgery concerns, and medical concerns.
Upcoming Webinars
Tuesday, July 14th, 4 p.m. EST / 1 p.m. PST
Dr. Rahi Sarbaziha
Since 2013, Dr. Rahi has been reimagining the realms of integrative medicine and aesthetic beauty, bringing a unique perspective and approach. Armed with her qualifications from Ross University School of Medicine and the University of Toronto, Dr. Rahi ventured out to share her knowledge of the human body with the nation and world. With a fellowship in Integrative Medicine Dr. Rahi today specializes in helping her patients look and feel more confident. Dr. Rahi's practice offers services that include aesthetic anti-aging as well as integrative services of general wellness.