Dr. Anthony Bared Shares How To Achieve Natural-Appearing Results In Rhinoplasty

Before and After: Rhinoplasty
Before and After: Rhinoplasty

If you not happy with the appearance of your nose or feel that it does not fit your other facial features, you may be considering a rhinoplasty (nose job) to address your concerns. If the size or the shape of your nose is making you self-conscious, you can rest in knowing that there have been many advances in rhinoplasty techniques whereby natural-appearing results can be achieved. Understandably, many fear undergoing a procedure which can radically alter one’s appearance. I often hear: “it is my face, I cannot hide it.” They fear that they will no longer look like themselves, or at-worst with the popularity of today’s hit TV show receive a Botched result.

Patients are looking for natural-appearing results. No nose is perfect, nor will it be perfect after a rhinoplasty. Results become unnatural in their appearance when we don’t work within the confines of the existing anatomy or pay close attention to the other features of the face. You need to allow for the existing anatomy to dictate the surgical maneuvers to employ. For instance, if you are bothered by a big or wide tip, refinement of the tip should not mean over aggressive narrowing to create a pointy tip. Rather tip refinement should entail the re-orientation of the cartilages composing the tip to provide for a smaller tip with a more aesthetic shape. The tip highlights (or what are referred to as the tip-defining points) should not come to a single point of highlight at the apex of the tip but rather softly on to two points of highlight millimeters apart.

When creating a more aesthetic bridge, we need to also be mindful of not being over-aggressive with its reduction. A very low bridge does not appear natural as are evident with the scooped appearing nose jobs. Most patients are bothered by a hump they may have on their profile and desire a straighter bridge. Ideally, the height of the bridge needs to be set in proportion to the other features of the profile, taking such things into account as the slope of the forehead, the projection of the tip and the projection of the chin. Overall, taking a holistic approach to the nose, encompassing the other features of the face and individualizing each nose, allows for the attainment of very natural-appearing results in rhinoplasty.

To make a consultation with Dr. Bared visit: www.facialplasticsurgerymiami.com