V Spa’s Sarah Long Dishes on Combatting the Winter Skin Blues

Sarah Long, Director of V Spa at the Anatole reminds us to exfoliate to keep skin glowing this winter.
Sarah Long, Director of V Spa at the Anatole reminds us to exfoliate to keep skin glowing this winter.

Photo Credit: shutterstock/Puhhha

Winter is hard on your skin, especially in Texas. We swing between having the heater turned up full blast to turning the air conditioner on the very next day -- sometimes both in the same day! Bitter cold wind whipping around office buildings downtown, weakened immune systems, and dehydration can make your skin look a lot older than it is. Luckily you can combat those winter skin blues with these three timely tips from V Spa at the Hilton Anatole’s Director, Sarah Long. Haute Living got all of the details on keeping skin looking fresh and feeling great.

Be sure to exfoliate! A build-up of dead skin cells, which commonly occur during winter months, can prevent your skin from absorbing and retaining moisture. Not only will the cells flake and cause dry patches, but they can cause a barrier, rendering your moisturizers and lotions ineffective.

Use gentle moisturizers at home once a week (or more depending on skin type) or get a jump start with a professional treatment. Our Body Buff is a truly restorative experience that is 80 minutes of pampering your skin. It includes a rejuvenating mineral salt body polish followed by a hydroxy-acid application that helps brighten dull skin and unique blend of organic Omega-3 oils to inspire relaxation and replenish moisture.

Seal in moisture. Did you know that there’s a peak time for your skin to soak up moisturizers and lotions? Utilize the natural steam and water from your shower or bath, and then lock in that moisture by applying within approximately 3 minutes. We recommend a repairing product like UltraLuxe BB Oil for its antioxidant ingredients and non-greasy formula. Another oil option, is a 50 or 80 minute Vino-therapy Massage, which utilizes aromatic Chardonnay Grape Seed Oil.

Start from within. The appearance of our skin is often a direct reflection of our inner well-being. It’s extremely important to take care of your immune system in the winter months in order to prevent colds, flu and other aggressors that can take a toll on the body. Staying hydrated and eating well will help your body look and feel its best, but for an added boost, we love Green Tea+C, an effervescent drink mix loaded with natural vitamins for immune support.

So, there you go. We are definitely going to be using these great tips to keep our skin in top condition, how about you?