Erika Chassner
Posts by Erika Chassner
Spaaah Week
My favorite time of the year is descending upon us…Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Thanksgiving, Fall Foliage…and Spa Week. Spa Week pretty much seals the deal for me in making Fall trumping the holidays as “The Hap-Happiest Season of All…”
The No Guilt Nap
Stressed out? Head to the gym…for a nap. The ultimate gym class is now in full “swing” at a gym in Charlotte, North Carolina. “Air Napping” is the latest offering at the Flex-and-Fit gym.
Most Expensive Blowdry in the World
igh-end department store Harrods recently introduced the World’s Most Expensive Blowdry, at $510. What makes this blowout so special you may wonder? The answer is quite simply a trip across time and space, shooting stars and allotropes of carbon.
LipoFreeze: “Cool It” Fat Cells!
Dr. Simon Ourian, head of Beverly Hills’ Epione Medical Corporation, talks to Haute MD about a breakthrough non-invasive liposuction technique called LipoFreeze.
Sun Damage Prevention In A Pill?
There really is a pill for everything. According to several news reports this week, we are about five years away from popping a sunburn prevention remedy.
How to Undo Summer Skin Damage
While you cautiously soak up the last of summers’ rays this Labor Day weekend, doused in your favorite brand of block, you may want to consider some of these post-summer skin therapy options.
Plastic Surgery Apocalypse?
Celebrities who looked better BEFORE plastic surgery seems to be quite the popular topic these days.
Manscaping on the Rise
Don’t be surprised if you come across a few fellows with smoother looking chests than your freshly shaven legs while poolside this summer.
Do Your Homework Before Going Abroad For Surgery
A recent Huffington Post story by Dr Michael Yaremchuk, Chief of Craniofacial Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, addressed the growing trend of medical tourism—aka, traveling across international borders for medical procedures.
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