Fashion, News | April 15, 2022

Gucci’s Next Fashion Show Will Be Held At Castel Del Monte In Italy This May

Fashion, News | April 15, 2022

Gucci Next Show ItalyPhoto Credit: ShutterstockOn the heels of the Gucci Love Parde show, where Gucci shut down Hollywood Boulevard for an unforgettable evening, Gucci has released the highly-anticipated venue of the next fashion show: Castel Del Monte in Apulia, Italy. 

As Michele continues to explore the relationship between historical places, their meaning, and fashion, the location could not seem to be more on point for the show. Castel Del Monte has been protected as a World Heritage Site since 1996 and managed by the Ministry of Culture Regional Directorate of Puglia Museums. Gucci will support an enhancement project of the historic site, which will improve the visitor experience, as a continuation of the House’s commitment to sustain, preserve and promote cultural and artistic heritage. 

Like all of Michele’s shows, this location embodies a deeper message and meaning. Castel Del Monte is the masterpiece of the creative genius Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, who commissioned its building around 1240. Given its formal perfection and harmonious blending of various elements from Northern Europe, the Islamic world, and classical antiquity, Castel del Monte perfectly represents a crossroads of different peoples, cultures, civilizations, and religions that is the Mediterranean — which is representative of Michele’s art of design.  

The show will take place on May 16th, 2022, and we can’t wait to see what Gucci has planned.

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