Rachel Bilson On Helping La Marca Prosecco Launch Their “Celebreaks” Campaign

Photo Credit: Endeavor Global Marketing

In honor of National Prosecco Day today, La Marca Prosecco has launched a fun new “Celebreaks” campaign designed to celebrate the small wins in life by raising a toast to yourself.

They have done just that by partnering with actress Rachel Bilson to launch the campaign, which calls upon fans to share their own personal successes on Instagram for the chance to win an exclusive fashion week experience in New York City.

We spoke by phone earlier today with “The O.C.” alum about the “Celebreaks” launch, why she wanted to jump on board and when she feels the most proud.

Photo Credit: Rachel Bilson

How did the opportunity with La Marca Prosecco come about?

Well, today is National Prosecco Day and I loved the idea of celebrating all things big and small. I love everything the “Celebreaks” campaign is about – celebrating the little accomplishments every day.

Tell us a little about your involvement with the “Celebreaks” campaign and why you wanted to get on board.

I think it is so important for women right now to be proud of themselves and make themselves feel good. Whether it’s a simple thing like taking a bath or just going to the market by yourself, as a mom, I love everything this campaign represents.

How sad is it to you that one in five women can’t remember the last time they were proud of themselves?

It’s really sad. It’s important to set an example for younger girls. They should be proud of themselves. When I have those moments where my daughter looks at me and actually wants to be me, that makes me feel the most proud.

How do you handle the stress of everyday life?

Days with Prosecco definitely help [laughs].

You have appeared in numerous films and TV shows. Which project would you say you are most proud of?

I could say different things for different reasons. “The O.C.” I am proud of for many. “The Last Kiss” I’d say was my favorite role. In the future, I want  to do something more kid-oriented.

Who are some of your inspirations when it comes to fashion?

I always draw from characters. For me, I am what I call a “moody dresser.” It pick things depending on my mood. My daughter dresses herself every day so I get some inspiration from her. She loves lots of girly, sparkly things.

What is the secret to balancing your crazy schedule with being a hands-on mom to your daughter, Briar Rose (with ex-Hayden Christiansen)?

For me, I am a mom first. It’s definitely not easy to balance all the time, but I want to show my daughter that it is OK to work and I am very fortunate that I get to do that and show her a good example.