5 Questions With Danny Santiago, Co-Costume Designer for Sex and the City
Sex and the City Co-Costume Designer Danny Santiago is celebrating Fashion’s Night Out in Miami (he happens to live here, too) and we’ve got the inside scoop on what to expect from his fall fashion presentation at The Village of Merrick Park tonight. Here, the style-set Santiago gives us tips for sporting a killer look this evening and shares his high hopes for a possible Sex and the City 3.
1. What do you think makes the Village of Merrick Park an ideal venue to celebrate Fashion’s Night Out?
Merrick is the ideal venue to celebrate the best of fashion because of the location and the mix of vendors including Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. Merrick Park has high-end designers and mid-range designers that focus on true fashion.
2. Tell us about some of the fall trends that have inspired the looks we’ll be seeing during your FNO runway show.
This fall will be filled with layering and jewel tones, especially all shades of greens and reds from burgundy to bright reds.
3. Miami is on the rise in both the fashion and art realms. How would you define fashion in Miami?
Because of Miami’s climate, people create a unique look and mix comfort with high-end fashion. It’s all about creating something sleek.
4. Describe the perfect Fashion’s Night Out outfit for Miami.
I think the best outfit is sleek with a twist and a splash of color or metallic.
5. You’re best known for your role as a Co-Costume Designer for Sex and the City. How has this experience shaped your own personal style, and what new projects can we expect to see from you in the future?
One of the most exciting things about Sex and the City was the mix of high-end to low-end fashion. We’d take a designer pair of shoes for $1,200 and mix them with a $40 dress. It was all about integrating fashion– the look rather than the label. Right now I’m working on the set of Miami’s Burn Notice and contribute to Italian Vogue. I’m also keeping my fingers crossed for Sex and the City 3!