Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | March 16, 2023

Johnny Pineyro’s Real Estate Syndication Blueprint: An Innovative Online Course To Unlock Your Path To Financi...

Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | March 16, 2023

Pursuing financial freedom has become more urgent than ever in today’s economy. With an increasingly uncertain job market, people are seeking ways to break free from the cycle of working and living paycheck to paycheck. Fortunately, there are ways to achieve financial independence, as Johnny Pineyro proves.

Johnny Pineyro is a man of many talents. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, he pursued a law degree from Villanova Law School in Pennsylvania. After returning to Florida, Johnny launched his law firm and has been practicing law for the last 23 years. However, his love and passion for real estate led him to explore other avenues, including aviation law and real estate syndication.

After becoming a licensed pilot, Johnny met airplane owners who primarily invested in real estate, which sparked his interest in real estate syndication. He built a private real estate portfolio and later became a realtor in Florida. He joined the innovative and growing publicly-traded company EXP Realty Brokerage and became one of their Certified Mentors in a short time. Johnny also attended the MIT School of Architecture and Planning to learn more about commercial real estate analysis and investment, which helped him with residential analysis.

Johnny’s real estate experience and desire to help others achieve financial freedom led him to create “The Real Estate Syndication Blueprint”, an online course designed to teach individuals proven strategies for generating significant income through real estate. The course comprises metaverse video modules providing an immersive and interactive learning experience.

The course teaches individuals how to put their money on payroll to earn passive income and leverage real assets to protect against inflation. It covers topics such as identifying a market and property, analyzing a deal like an expert syndicator, finding investors, creative financing, leveraging seminars to raise capital, and understanding SEC laws. One of the most significant advantages of the course is that it offers hands-on experience in combining the program with Airbnb.

“I built this course to build awareness among professionals interested in investing in multifamily as I feel it is one of the best ways to put your money to work across all asset classes,” Johnny explains. Johnny can teach about the actual investment opportunity as a general partner, limited partner, or either because he knows both sides. “This is an extremely lucrative business to be a part of buying apartment complexes that are middle market and more than a hundred doors units,” he adds.

As a first-generation immigrant, Johnny is passionate about empowering others and helping them achieve financial freedom as fast as possible. A staunch advocate for innovative financial literacy, Johnny reiterates that he doesn’t create online courses to make money but instead makes money to create better online courses. This philosophy is evident in the quality of the course material, which is designed to help individuals achieve financial freedom through real estate syndication.

“Education is the opiate of the powerful,” Johnny says. “Those most educated control the boardroom, the job site, the laws, and virtually all aspects of society. Those that lack education end up working for the educated and suffer greatly. They are often taken advantage of and lack the knowledge to fight back.”

Through The Real Estate Syndication Blueprint, Johnny offers individuals the opportunity to learn from an expert and flourish in real estate syndication. With the course’s immersive and interactive learning experience, individuals can learn at their own pace and put their newfound knowledge into practice.

Written in partnership with Real Estate Innovations

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