News | September 17, 2012

Haute 100 NY Update: Scientologists Take Graydon Carter, Vanity Fair To Task Over Expose

News | September 17, 2012

The Church of Scientology responded to a Vanity Fair cover story on the controversial organization with an eight-page letter claiming inaccurate reporting and mentioning potential legal recourse. The article written by Maureen Orth detail the alleged “auditions” conducted by Scientology and prominent member Tom Cruise for who would be Cruise’s wife following his breakup with actress Penelope Cruz. Replete with unnamed but “very reliable” sources and denials by the Church, Orth’s piece included a laundry list of bizarre Scientology practices including the virtual banishment of Cruise’s ex-wife Nicole Kidman (and turning Kidman’s adopted children against her “suppressive personality”) and forcing a Cruise paramour to scrub toilets with a toothbrush after revealing details of her courtship to friends.


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