James Goldstein Adds Nightclub to His Bachelor Pad
James Goldstein adds a nightclub to his already extravagant home. In an interview with Hilary Surlocke, Goldstein talks about his new architecture endeavor and his take on fashion.
Better known for his eccentric style and love of basketball, multi-millionaire James Goldstein seeks to continue to find new outlets for his creativity. As Surlocke, comes to find out that a bachelor pad is never really finished. And his newest venture is an onsite nightclub for this party animal.
The magnificent house, designed by architect John Lautner, is designed with the latest in architectural designed. The new nightclub will include elements of glass, leather and concrete and include the latest in European special effects. The project came about after Goldstein received many requests for a nightclub in his home.
Surlocke moved on to fashion talk, which is evident that he also enjoys, by his appearances at fashion shows and obvious love for Galliano designs. Goldstein believes that clothes have the same dynamic as architecture in terms of their continual evolution. He believes in that connection because of his constant change in both areas.
Surprisingly, or not Goldstein has not had a hand in fashion design. He admitted to designing his famous cowboy hats, but in terms of taking on fashion projects, that is still something he strives to do.
“I also attempt to make adaptations sometimes from women’s clothes to something that will work for me, because men’s clothes right now are the most boring that they’ve ever been in my life.” Goldstein tells Surlocke.
There is no doubt that the nightclub is the start to many creative endeavors for Goldstein.
Via: Style Section L.A.