Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | August 1, 2024

Nicolet Law: Respecting The Value Of Knowledge And People

Entrepreneur, Haute Partners | August 1, 2024

Photo Credit: Russel Nicolet

The desire to help shepherd people through challenging circumstances inspired attorney Russell Nicolet to start his own practice, Nicolet Law.

Early Years

Nicolet was the first in his family to attend law school. He said that he loved the law and always yearned to help people but had no idea what to expect once he started his career.

“I really didn’t know how to make it all work,” Nicolet said. “I just went for it.”

Nicolet honed his skills by working tirelessly to accumulate knowledge. Additionally, he learned vital attributes like identifying and absorbing instruction from the right early mentors, conducting extensive research regarding how to properly handle a case and client interaction, and becoming laser-focused on helping clients solve their problems to the best of his ability.

The Ascension of Nicolet Law

All of Nicolet’s hard work and perseverance paid major dividends. Today, he heads the personal injury law firm Nicolet Law.

He and his team take on cases representing injured clients throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Iowa.

Success in personal injury cases requires that attorneys prove that their clients’ injuries were caused solely by the accident in question and that the damages they seek resulted from said injuries and no other underlying causes. This requires meticulous attention to detail and countless hours of research and investigation.

In the 16 years Nicolet’s firm has been in existence, he and his team have performed these tasks well. The firm has successfully recouped more than $300 million in damages for its clients.

What Sets Nicolet Law Apart from Its Competitors?

Nicolet credits his success to his willingness to move beyond his comfort zone and learn from various sources.

“I started learning and training with some of the best injury attorneys in the world by going to other states to listen to them speak, watch them work, and train with them,” he said.

Notable Career Highlights  

Nicolet’s skills, coupled with successful case outcomes, have earned him numerous accolades, including being named a Top 40 Under 40 Trial Lawyer, a Top 100 Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers Association, and SuperLawyer by SuperLawyer Magazine.

In addition, thousands of clients have given the firm favorable reviews and testimonials.

That said, Nicolet believes his greatest accomplishment is helping others on a personal and professional basis.

“My most notable highlights have been the result of the great people I have had the honor to represent,” he says.

What Are Your Future Career Aspirations?

Nicolet hopes to see the expansion of his firm and be afforded the privilege of representing injured people in the Midwest and helping said subjects receive the compensation that they deserve.

“I see my firm, Nicolet Law, growing and helping more and more people while holding more and more insurance companies and other large corporations accountable to the hard-working people who have the misfortune to have an injury thrust into their life,” he notes.

Russell Nicolet has never been afraid to learn. His quest for knowledge, coupled with his unending devotion to his clients, has helped transform his firm, Nicolet Law, into a leading personal injury firm in the Midwestern United States.

If you are interested in learning more about Nicolet or his firm, please visit their website.

Written in partnership with Tom White

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