The Rise Of Priscilla Hirt Ghouzi: Authentic Fashion Micro-Influencer Captivating Major Brands

Photo Credit: Priscilla Hirt Ghouzi

The power of authenticity has been key to the rising success of micro-influencer Priscilla Hirt Ghouzi, who, through her organic connection with her social media community, is already positioned as an ambassador for major brands such as REVOLVE, YSL Beauty, and Illesteva.

What started on her Instagram account @priscilaghouzi as a window to showcase her taste in fashion has blossomed into a thriving platform with nearly 50,000 followers. They are captivated by her natural ability to combine garments and adapt incredible outfit proposals to every body type. Brands have recognized her real influence and engagement with her audience. For Priscilla, the most important aspect of her career as a styling expert is “giving the best tips to my followers by combining high-end pieces with more accessible ones, creating looks that are not only stylish but also attainable for everyone.” She believes fashion should be inclusive, allowing everyone to express themselves through clothing, regardless of their budget. This philosophy has resonated with her audience, making her a trusted source of fashion inspiration and advice.

Photo Credit: Priscilla Hirt Ghouzi

Her interesting work has been seen in brands such as Something Navy, We Wore What, and The Webster. The greatest gain for brands working with micro-influencers is the authentic engagement they have with followers, achieving a close and special connection with the community, which, in this case, feels inspired by Priscilla’s lifestyle – a woman with diverse roles such as businesswoman, mother of three, wife, and daughter, who allows herself to share her experiences and her talent to guide other women when dressing and selecting their own style.

With the conviction of doing what she loves, Priscilla explains the most powerful key to her success: “Everyone has their magic. What I really do is connect with my followers. That’s what my community is about: connecting and being yourself.” Priscilla expresses, “Beyond any contract or campaign I have, I will always try to stay connected with them and genuinely show what I use or like. No matter how much they can pay me if it doesn’t align with me, I won’t promote it.” 

In addition to offering fashion tips to her followers, Priscilla is renowned for providing insights on the best high-end perfumes available at more affordable prices. She frequently shares recommendations tailored to various factors such as location, weather, and personality.

As a fashion expert with a degree in fashion design from Montreal, Canada, Priscilla’s next steps involve expanding her reach and audience. She aims to form partnerships with other renowned brands that are increasingly showing interest in this micro-influencer, who is transforming the way women dress with her unique style and authenticity.

Written in partnership with Luxury Lifestyle Magazine