David Sugden: Championing Trial Skills With Library Of Online Courses

Photo Credit: Daivd Sugden

Online courses teach lawyers the insider secrets of jury trials.

David Sugden knows that great litigators aren’t always great trial lawyers. Though he has carved his niche in the high-pressure world of jury trials, he recognizes that many attorneys rarely see a courtroom trial. Without key courtroom experience, lawyers often feel pressure to settle instead of facing the uncertainty of trial.

So, with more than 20 years of courtroom experience, Sugden decided to help lawyers gain the skills and confidence to go to trial. His website, evidenceattrial.com, offers courses and training to get attorneys ready for the courtroom.

“Whoever is most prepared usually wins. Our courses help lawyers get prepared,” says Sugden.

EvidenceAtTrial.com is for any attorney seeking to elevate their trial skills. The platform offers a library of online courses, providing insider knowledge and practical strategies.

Some courses, like California Evidence 101, provide a deep dive into California-specific laws and procedures. Others, like the Deposition Skills Clinic, are perfect for any lawyer wanting to increase their skills and effectiveness in a deposition.

For those facing the complexities of expert witnesses, the Expert Witness Academy offers invaluable guidance.  Participants gain a deep understanding of foundational principles, hypothetical questioning strategies, and techniques for preparing both friendly and adverse expert witnesses.

“This course equips attorneys with strategies to turn cross-examination expertise into an advantage and anticipate opposition attacks,” Sugden explains.

Photo Credit: Daivd Sugden

The Business Trial Academy offers a holistic exploration of trial strategy and organization. This in-depth course guides participants through the entire trial process, from jury selection through closing arguments, empowering them to present compelling cases to judges and juries alike.

Sugden is well-known throughout the legal community. He is a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates and has been recognized since 2020 as one of the “Top 50 Super Lawyers in Orange County,” and has been listed since 2021 in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Lawyers” annual publication. In June 2023, The Trial Attorneys selected Sugden as its sole recommended attorney for California for 2023/2024.

In the courtroom, Sugden has won several seven- and eight-figure jury verdicts and judgments for corporate plaintiffs and has successfully defended several high-stakes cases for corporate defendants. Sugden has tried cases to verdict in multiple states involving a variety of claims, including intellectual property, employment, environment, contract, and trade secrets.

Licensed in California, Texas, and New York, Sugden splits his time these days between Dallas and Newport Beach, with extended stays in hotels near courthouses where his trials take place. Just this past month, Sugden secured another important victory, a $6.7 million verdict in a business fraud case.

“My goal,” Sugden explains, “is to help attorneys develop the skills they need to share their clients’ stories in a way that resonates with juries.”

Through EvidenceAtTrial.com, he has fostered a thriving community of attorneys committed to continuous learning and growth. Learn more about David Sugden and his courses at  EvidenceAtTrial.com.