Wine Space Creators, CellArt, Prepare For Record Breaking Year Ahead
Photo Credit: CellArt
In the historically traditional world of wine, there’s a relative newcomer that’s catching the eye of collectors and producers globally with its revolutionary wine spaces. CellArt designs and builds bespoke wine space masterpieces that perfectly assimilate into their environment, whether that be a private chateau in the South of France, a Napa Valley Winery, or a New York City penthouse apartment.
Remarkable advances in technology have allowed CellArt to raise up wine collections from the dark, cool, humid stillness of basements, and put them dramatically, and safely, in the limelight. Designed for serious wine collectors, each project is unique, engaging, and often full of surprises, with the likes of revolving doors, hidden panels, and works of art that evolve symbiotically with the collection.
Photo Credit: CellArt
Each creation follows the three phases of The CellArt Experience; Creation, Production, and Elevation. Phase 1 is the foundation building of the wine space with renderings, engineering, planning, and budgeting. Phase 2 is production and includes custom samples, shop drawings, and technical specifications such as refrigeration, wine storage, lighting, and thermal glazing. Phase 3 is when it gets exciting with installation, Argos positioning (CellArt’s world-leading wine space monitoring system), collection management and wine procurement, an insurance program, and private events. All of which ensures that no part of wine collecting is left to guesswork.
“There are absolutely no creative boundaries as we perform the design and engineering plans at the same time,” says Jonathan Primeau, the founder of CellArt, “It’s a far-reaching experience that brings clients back for their secondary and tertiary residences. The wine spaces are not simply there to be beautiful or useful, but to draw us in and amaze us.”
Photo Credit: CellArt
Managing Partner of the US and Caribbean, Philippe Vasilescu, adds “Our difference is not only the unique designs and cutting edge technologies, but the overall experience we bring to each client at every phase of the process and as a renowned industry leader, CellArt has attracted partnerships with brands offering complementary services that have enriched the experience still further.”
Photo Credit: CellArt Photo Credit: CellArt
Over the past year, most of our world’s have become a little smaller, and our immediate environment has taken on a new relevance. We’re all spending more time, and investing more in our homes. The global real estate market, especially in the US and Caribbean, has been booming, architectural firms are in need of wine space expertise to meet increasing demand, and nowadays luxury residences rarely come without a wine locker. Rethinking its model to fit this new context and demand, CellArt can now manage even complex projects remotely with reliable logistics operations and full assistance wherever you are in the world.
Photo Credit: CellArt
Having celebrated its most successful quarter in company history, CellArt is using this success to double down on research and development with some exciting new releases in the coming months. But if you’re looking to become the lucky owner of one of these exquisite creations you’d better be quick – these wine spaces are as rare as they are extraordinary; they only make 52 a year – no exceptions!