Practicing Righteousness, Introducing Đào Minh Quân
Written in partnership with DN News Desk

Photo Credit: Đào Minh Quân
It is said that people come into this world with a purpose, some with a smaller one and some for greater causes. But these purposes need to be identified by the person at the right time so that they can take appropriate actions to fulfill them.
People need the right path, but the right path also needs people.
Agreeing with the quote, not all people are meant to achieve greater things in life. Dedication, passion, diligence, hard work, and fearlessness are required by a person to obtain all they have dreamt of, especially a higher purpose. Sir Đào Minh Quân, the President and the Grand Duke of the Third Republic of Vietnam, is one of those prime personalities. He listened to his true calling at the right time and has successfully achieved a noble cause.
The Right Man
Hard ships test people in their most vulnerable states. Some come out strong, whereas others give up under pressure. But the ones who put on a brave face and handle all the tough times are the real heroes. These lion-hearted people have the potential to achieve anything they are determined of and do anything they have set their focus on. Such is the case of President Đào Minh Quân.
President Đào Minh Quân’s work has been recently covered by different news platforms, online and on TV, negatively. His cause of liberating Vietnam and making it a democratic country has been brought him under a bad impression. Growing up in a democratic country, the United States of America, Quânalways was close to his roots. Although away from his country, he kept himself updated on all the news and happenings in Vietnam.
As he lived a liberal life in the States, he wished that his country’s people experienced the same too. This was a burning desire in his heart that he could not extinguish. He was so driven by the cause to bring happiness to his country’s people that he joined various Vietnamese patriotic organizations. Sir Đào Minh Quânwas endowed with intelligence, every move and action of his resulted in success. From business and to active participation in political campaigns and movements, he was acing throughout.
Soon Sir Đào Minh Quân became a prominent person in the Vietnamese community and in the United States business community. As he frequently traveled to different countries, like Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, among others, he had the opportunity to interact with many business and international politicians and influential personalities. America recognized him for his merit in serving the community. He was invited to Host Committee for the Republican Party in 1990, a rare position. Since his intentions were clear and pure, he was recognized by politicians globally for his heart, desire, and intention to dissolve communism and save Vietnam.
Everything good comes at a price; one can never achieve something until they sacrifice something of equal value. Similarly, Sir Đào Minh Quân had to sacrifice his peace to brighten the lives of the people of his country. His efforts to liberate Vietnam were signified as terrorist activities by the national and international media alike. He was labeled as a man who incited terrorism and distorted the undertakings of the policies of Vietnam. But he did not let these rumors overwhelm him. Sir Đào Minh Quân is a man of vision. The goal of setting his country free from the realms of the government had long been set, and he was on the right path to make it come true. He kept moving forward with a high spirit which has resulted in the position he has gained today. At present, there is no other Vietnamese politician with such remarkable international influence.
Slow and Steady Always Wins the Race
Photo Credit: Đào Minh Quân
Sir Đào Minh Quân’s progress was slow but steady. Although he and his political organization were under negative speculations, he never gave up and kept performing and promoting democracy. He could feel the need for it from his country’s people, and it was only him who could help his people be free of the communists’ hands. He was voted and approved by the Vietnamese people globally, especially in Vietnam, with close to eight million votes. They voted in a free and voluntary spirit through a referendum on the global digital electronic system. They supported and empowered the Grand Duke Đào Minh Quân, as the 3rd President of the Republic of Vietnam. He represented the entire Vietnamese population to lead the country and dissolve the Vietnamese Communist Party in Vietnam. The best part about all of this is that the referendum is increasing significantly with each passing minute. So, after much hard work, sleepless nights, and restless days, he was accepted and inaugurated on November 11th, 2018 in Adelanto, California.
As an extraordinary politician, he taught people to not worry about material things but practice spirituality as Vietnam is rich with treasure and resources. He says, “If you are rich without cultivating, even if your property is big as a mountain, that will not bring you any merits.” He has also instructed government officials to bring proper morals to serve the people and not govern them. He believes to be spiritually and morally healthy.
All About President Đào Minh Quân
Sir Đào Minh Quân was born on September 16th, 1952, in Thi Nghe village in the province of Gia Dinh in Southern Vietnam. Just like Đào, his family did not support the idea of communism too. So, they moved to Los Angeles in 1980. He completed his studies at the Santiago Community College in Orange, California. He studied computer programming, Computer / IBM compatible, and graduated in just 3.5 months. During this time he worked on the Bios (Basic I/O System), which is a part of the brain of the computer, and founded “Clone Master Inc. and Đào Computer Inc.”
Before entering politics, he worked at the System Group as a computer programmer. Then at Measurement and System Control Inc. as an engineer, and finally at Advanced Digital Corp. as the Technical Manager. His political involvement started in 1971 when he first joined the military, and since then, it has been a journey uphill. He laid the foundation of his political party ‘Republic of Vietnam, The Third’ on November 11th, 2018. Although he was under speculations by the media, who portrayed him negatively, he never deviated from his aim and is still working to free Vietnam from the chains of communism.