A New Cigar Scene In Vegas With Davidoff
Vegas if often referred to as a Disney Land for adults. If such is the case, then surely cigars are the ultimate adult treat. Cigar aficionados from across the country come to Vegas to experience world-class humidors and cigar collections. While the city is laden with places for a fine cigar, no where does it better than Davidoff Cigar Bar.
A favorite amongst those for a flare for the finer things in life, the sleek cigar bar is perfectly placed on the Fashion Show Plaza. This means that whilst you pass your time puffing, you can also enjoy views of the Wynn, Encore, Venetian, Palazzo and Treasure Island resorts. This development was Davidoff’s seventh licensed boutique in Las Vegas, however is it the only one to feature an actual cigar bar. It was opened late 2015 in partnership with the Arcella family, who also own locations in The Grand Canal Shoppes, Venetian, Palazzo, MGM Grand Hotel & Casino, Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino and Paris Las Vegas.
Beyond a beautiful view, this location also offers a few of our beloved Sin City vices. To compliment a menu with hundreds of acclaimed cigars, the Davidoff Cigar Bar also features a crafted cocktail menu, a uniquely peaceful indoor/outdoor ambiance and a walk-in humidor filled with premium cigars.
The best part about all of this is that you can now get more for your money with their VIP initiative. The ‘stainless steel membership card’ can get you exclusive access to cigar-filled events and special programs, pre-sale opportunities for Davidoff’s newest creations, up to 15 percent off your favorite blend of cigar and reserved seating on their front-and-center patio on The Strip. It’s all for the love of cigars.