Give The Gift of Spring With Teleflora’s Luxury Bouquets
A rose is worth a thousand words this Valentine’s Day. With Teleflora’s breathtaking new collection just in time to celebrate love this February 14th, gift-giving is made easy. A beautiful collection of the highest quality products and hand-picked fresh flowers, these V-day specials available to shop at are perfection if we’ve ever seen it. With flowers like chrysanthemums, carnations, lilies, alstroemeria and of course roses of all colors, shapes and sizes, these deluxe entirely handmade arrangements are the perfect way to say the L-word to your one and only. Hand delivered inside finely crafted Italian glass and painted ceramic vases, Teleflora’s bouquets are no ordinary flower gifts, just as we suspect your partner is no ordinary lover.
One of the nation’s top flower companies, Teleflora has been at the top of the flower business for more than 80 years, having collaborations with over 13,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, and an additional 20,000 outside North America.
Not only does Teleflora design and produce extraordinary arrangements for every occasion, they also make a great effort to always give back. As proud supporters of: The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and Make Someone Smile Week (a program launched by Teleflora in 2000 which delivers over 40,000 Be Happy bouquets to hospital patients, children in foster care, residents of nursing homes) Teleflora has established itself as a top patron of health in America. Thanks to them, Make Someone Smile has quickly become one of the largest charitable outreach efforts in the floral industry.
Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet
As a surprise gift for your all-time bestie or recent crush, this thoughtful bouquet bursting with stunning red and white roses, miniature carnations, and cushion spray chrysanthemums in a matching glazed ceramic collectible vase with hand-applied heart detail in red is an A+ choice.
Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts BouquetPlayful and sweet like young love, this cheerful two-in-one floral gift will get you more than a few V-day kisses from your loved one. With peach, pink and red spray roses placed inside a hand-painted watercolor hearts oversized mug is pure happiness in pink.
Teleflora’s Wrapped with Passion Bouquet
Dramatic and passionate, this dazzling bouquet of long-stemmed roses and fragrant pink stargazer lilies arranged in a graceful hand blown Italian glass vase is the ultimate Valentine’s gift for your other half. Decorated with a sparkling, hand-applied glass ribbon, this gift is the diamond queen of floral arrangements.
Teleflora’s Pair of Hearts BouquetA true act of love, this symbolic bouquet of red roses, red carnations and white alstroemeria inside a glistening hand-glazed ceramic vase is the perfect gift to give your soulmate. Adorned with two shimmering connecting hearts wrapped around the glass vase, this red and white floral arrangement is the gift that will make your Valentine’s Day.
Cupid’s Creation with Red Roses by TelefloraIn a clear glass couture vase, this lavish arrangement is perfect to pamper your special someone. With classic red and pink roses mixed with smaller white and light pink spray roses and fresh green bupleurum, this is a gift your lover will never forget.
Teleflora’s Love Medley with Red RosesA classy choice for a classy lady – or man – this sophisticated arrangement in assorted pink, fuchsia and red roses is an elegant choice.
Teleflora’s Love and Devotion – Long Stemmed Red RosesA timeless classic, this red rose arrangement is made for the one that holds your heart.
Teleflora’s A La Mode Bouquet with Long Stemmed RosesIn a slim and super chic glass vase is Teleflora’s most stylish bouquet with pink orchids and pink and lavender roses. You can’t go wrong with these soft tones and long-stemmed natural beauties.
Shop for spring love at Teleflora.