The Best College-Affiliated Bars to Watch NCAA Football in L.A.
College football is back, and you want to watch your team amongst your kind. Friends, classmates, strangers that once lived in whatever college that you spent those formative years of your life in. Los Angeles is a transplant town, with millions of people that moved here to watch their dreams be crushed in the pursuit of being an actor, musician, or whatever.
Even more reason to drink and lament over some quality football. Here are the best college sports bars in L.A. and what schools they represent. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to find yours on there.
Sonny McLean’s: Boston College
2615 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA, 90403
Boston, welcome to Los Angeles! Lots of Bostonians move out west for a total change of scene, aka weather. Sonny McLean’s makes them feel at home with Irish music, Dropkick Murphy’s, bar food that frat boys seem to enjoy. B.C. alumni flock to this bar to relive their glory days.
Prince O Wales: Florida State University
335 Culver Blvd
Playa del Rey, CA, 90293
The oldest sports bar in Hollywood, formerly frequented by Howard Hughes, happens to be the premiere hang out of Florida State Alums. Come down here and talk about your Tim Tebow-fueled good ol’ days.
O’Brien’s: Virginia Tech
2941 Main Street
Santa Monica, CA, 90405
VT fans come here and get real drunk on beer and bourbon. That’s all you need to know.
Baja Sharkeez: Illinois
52 Pier Ave
Hermosa Beach, CA, 90254
The Illinois fans flock to Baja Sharkeez for Mexican cuisine and hard fought football games. If you like using food as a reason to go completely off that diet let us suggest the Mexican pizza.
The Parlor: Michigan, Clemson, Syracuse, etc..
7250 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, CA, 90046
Melrose’s premiere sports bar is a prime destinations for a multitude of colleges and that just makes it all the more rowdy on a Saturday. Mix that with specialty crafted cocktails, and there will be no reason to head anywhere else come game day.