Haute Cigar Clubs: Members Only in Beverly Hills
Though you can purchase cigars from numerous stores and smoke shops, those who belong to cigar clubs will admit that there is nothing better than purchasing a cigar and sitting down to smoke with others. The camaraderie behind those ‘members only’ doors reveals a world of private cigar lockers and cocktail waitresses who know you by name. Located in the heart of Beverly Hills, you can find three cigar clubs worthy of joining.
Beverly Hills Cigar Club
Known as one of the most exclusive clubs in the world, the Beverly Hills Cigar Club sends both private invitations as well as accepts memberships to join, smoke and indulge. With neighbors such as Barney’s and Neiman Marcus, this club is for those who want private access to a smokers’ club filled with an abundance of unique and exotic cigars brands. If you do not currently reside in Los Angeles but still want your all access pass, the Beverly Hills Cigar Club offers an online membership featuring 800 brands of cigars at your fingertips.
Beverly Hills Cigar Club is located in The Golden Triangle, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Grand Havana Room
The Grand Havana Room, with locations in New York and Beverly Hills, encourages cigar enthusiasts to treat the club as a place to drink, dine and smoke. With a gourmet menu and cocktail waitresses ready to serve drinks, your experience at this Room is definitely worth the membership fee and time spent on the waiting list to join. If the beautiful wooden interior and full menu doesn’t draw you in, getting a chance to see the large humidor placed in the middle of the club might just be the spectacle you need.
Grand Havana Room is located at 301 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Nazareth’s Fine Cigars
With celebrity followers such as Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, this members’ cigar club is small but selective. Featuring cigar lockers and plush sofa seating, access to the club means you can slip in for a smoke anytime you feel like it. With a limited number of members, the owner will always remember your name and your individual cigar likes and dislikes. As Beverly Hills shoppers and sightseers casually walk by, your membership allows you to watch from the other side of the glass window where you are encouraged to get away from it all.
Nazareth’s Fine Cigars is located at 350 N. Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif.