Naturally Haute
Every little girl has a hero and if you are as lucky as I am, your hero is your father. Let me put it this way, Richard Bartolacci is a modern day Superman circa the 1940s. He can make my back pain disappear, clear any blemish off my face, and has even taught me how to cook a properly balanced meal. Because of him I know that Vitamin B is water-soluble, which means that once integrated with a liquid the only way to get the nutritional value from it is to have the complete complex molecule intact. Not to mention he does it all while riding his bike, Lance Armstrong-style, at least 50 miles a day. My father does this for my family and me, and now he will also do it for all of you.
For more than 30 years, my father has owned and operated JBN, a nutritional resource company. On an average day you can find his machines mixing whey protein and encapsulating the vitamins, while his loyal customers swing by for a quick work out in the gym and a protein shake for the road. By the way, I highly recommend the chocolate whey superior, it will complete a well rounded workout and it really tastes like dessert. This all may sound too good to be true, but JBN’s goal has always been about striving for results of a healthy lifestyle. The products that are manufactured are created not only for professional athletes, but people serious about achieving their ultimate health and fitness goals. There are no unnecessary ingredients, outrageous claims, or false hopes in these products. JBN simply wants you to Just Be Natural.
I am fortunate enough to be a part of a family owned and operated business that is committed to living the lifestyle we sell. As I continue writing, I have decided to add other experts to join my team so that all of you can get the best possible Wellness Wednesday experience. My father will be one of them. Call me biased, but I do not know a better man for the job. Until next time my friends, visit To health and wellness, Salute.