Online Dating the Beautiful Way
Life is so easy for the beautiful people, or so I’m led to believe. On this subject, I will not pretend to be speaking from personal experience. No, it’s simply something I have observed over the years from indulging in some ‘people watching’, everybody’s favorite pastime. Of course as we all know, aesthetically speaking, some people are much easier on the eays than others. So let the jealousy begin, as things have just become even easier for the more visually agreeable. is an online dating site open only, as you may have guessed, to very physically attractive people. The site developers refer to it as an ‘exclusively beautiful community, founded for the purpose of creating personal and professional relationships’.
How can they ensure that only the intended people will join the site? Well, it’s quite simple. If you wish to get on board, submit a photo with your profile. Existing members will then have a 48 hour period to vote on whether or not your beauty is sufficient to make the cut. Assuming you’re successful, you will then be welcomed into the inner sanctum of this elite community.
The website is a global phenomenon, and has been described as the largest network of attractive people around the world. It works in a similar way to other online dating platforms, with events and parties organized, and friendships and relationships created. There is also the opportunity to post your own events and invite members you’d like to meet.
If you are genetically superior to your fellow man, Haute Living would suggest you check out this site. You will be instantly in contact with similar individuals and can bypass the tiresome process of trawling through social events in the vain attempt that you may spot someone who is worthy of being your significant other. I believe the creators should be commended on their attempt to prevent the grotesque from meddling in the gene pool of the stunning.
On the other hand, if you’re forbidden from joining, do not despair. The creators kindly included a browse option for the hideous among us to view the current members. I have browsed, and yes they are all worthy of their membership status.
To become a member or just to browse, click here.