News | October 6, 2009

A Forum For The Future

News | October 6, 2009

Miami has always been known for its diversity and strength. What other city do you know of that has been able to reinvent itself time and time again? Whether it’s in the face of opposition or simply because it’s time for a city makeover, Miami knows how to impress its residents and visitors alike. So when choosing time came for the location of the International Women’s Forum, Miami was at the top of the destination list.

A plethora of accomplished and acclaimed women from over 45 different countries are coming together to speak on what they feel, and really what we should all feel, is the most important issue at hand. Erase the economy woes from your brain and forget about the troubles that are naturally tied to them. The housing market crisis is so last season. Health care issues? Those are outdated too. What these female top government officials, business and science leaders feel is the most important issue at hand, is keeping the planet healthy and giving it the care it deserves, i.e., making the world a better place for generations to come. And no, this isn’t one of those generic overly-sweet beauty pageant lines either. Instead, this cause is as legit as they come and the purpose of the forum is to prove and clarify it for everyone who’s involved which would be me, you, your friends, enemies, family members, future family members, pets… I could keep going here but I think it best if I stop. You get the point.

Sylvia Earle, a super smart and even savvier marine biologist, is just one authoritarian who will be speaking at the forum. Her major platform obviously involves anything having to do with marine, marine life and the awe-inspiring world of aquatics.

“To have seen the changes that have taken place in my lifetime, to have seen the world within, I know if we keep doing what we’re doing, our children and grandchildren will be up in arms because we failed to take action before it’s too late,” said Earle.

Earle is passionate about improving the quality of life for her beloved marine world and ultimately, for us all. One of her emphases is protecting the ocean’s endangered species. Other female leaders will touch on what lies ahead for global markets, how to redefine personal ambition and ways to ensure younger generations of women leaders have equitable opportunities.

The ideas, brilliant. The women, spectacularly impressive. And the cause? Unavoidable and in dire need of attention. So if you’ve been majorly preoccupied living in your fabulous bubble of a life, stop for a second. I know it’s wonderful and all, but just remember-there are other things in life, even things you may not be able to see that are of the utmost importance that, unfortunately, we tend to take for granted. Let’s make a pact to change that because it’s kind of hard to enjoy a fabulously opulent life in a terribly neglected environment.

Via: The Miami Heald

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