Giannis Antetokoumpo, NBA All-Star, Gets “Greek Freak” Settlement

Professional NBA player Giannis Antetokoumpo filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit. He had filed it for violations of his trademark after reaching a settlement.

Giannis AntetokoumpoPhoto Credit:

Earlier this year, Antetokoumpo had sued Viral Style, LLC. The company was manufacturing t-shirts, hoodies, and other products, selling merchandise with the branding “Greek Freak” and “Greek Fr34k”. The Greek-born basketball player has worn the #34 jersey since joining his team, the Milwaukee Bucks.

Per a snippet of the court filing, Giannis Antetokoumpo, “through his undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that the above-captioned action is voluntarily dismissed, with prejudice against the defendant, Viral Style, L.L.C. as the parties have reached a settlement.” His initial suit was for $2 million. Details of the settlement have not been released yet.

This is not the only recent legal action by an NBA player concerning trademarks, but it does have a different result. Earlier this year in September, LeBron James failed to attain a trademark for “Taco Tuesday”. And, Antetokoumpo has previously won another settlement over the “Greek Freak” trademark.

The NBA season starts in early October and runs through April. Antetokoumpo is starting off with a jump shot that swished the hoop.