Think You Know Aesthetic Treatments? Haute Beauty Experts Debunk The Biggest Beauty Myths

Myths and misconceptions about beauty treatments can often cloud judgment, making it harder for patients to make informed decisions. We turned to our Haute Beauty experts from various fields to find out which myths they encounter most often in their specialties. From unfounded fears about certain procedures to exaggerated expectations, these professionals reveal the falsehoods they wish patients would stop believing and offer insights to help you separate fact from fiction when considering your next treatment.

Dr. Daniel Careaga, Careaga Plastic Surgery | Body | Miami, FL

There are a few common myths about plastic surgery that lead to unrealistic expectations. Let’s clear them up.

Myth 1: Liposuction Guarantees a Flat Stomach
While liposuction removes excess fat, it doesn’t tighten loose skin. If you’ve had significant weight changes or pregnancy, a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is necessary to tighten the skin and muscles for a smooth contour. Liposuction alone can actually make loose skin more noticeable without the right procedure.

Myth 2: Breast Implants Will Lift Sagging Breasts
Implants add volume, but they won’t lift a drooping breast. To restore a youthful position, a breast lift (mastopexy) is needed. Adding implants to a sagging breast is like putting water in a flat balloon—it adds size but not the shape you want. A lift will reposition the breast for a more balanced look.

Myth 3: A Facelift Replaces Fillers
A facelift tightens sagging skin but doesn’t restore lost facial volume. As we age, starting in our 30s, we lose volume. Fillers help replenish that fullness and are often used alongside a facelift for a youthful, natural appearance.

It’s all about choosing the right procedures tailored to your unique needs for the best results.

For more information, visit Careaga Plastic Surgery's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jason Bloom | Face | Philadelphia

A common myth about facial rejuvenation procedures that I hear from patients is, “Now that I have had facial surgery, why do I still need injectables?”  Patients need to understand that we use a synergistic and multidisciplinary approach to facial aging at our office.  While surgery will restore the facial musculature and soft tissues to a more rejuvenated position, we still utilize injectables to smooth dynamic fine lines and wrinkles, like those around the eyes and above the lips.  Additionally, we work with our nurses and aestheticians to encourage appropriate medical-grade skincare and a variety of lasers and energy-based devices for skin texture, tone, and glow.  It is critical to realize that aging does not stop and that by continuing to improve a patient’s skin and soft tissue after surgery with targeted and conservative treatments, the results of a surgical procedure will be maintained for much longer.  Results and effects of surgery definitely last longer when patients continue “upkeep” of themselves with other non-surgical treatments.  Finally, we have excellent staff at our office who are specifically focused on each of these areas of facial rejuvenation.  The facial plastic surgeons perform surgical procedures, but our nurses are focused mostly on the non-surgical injectables, and the aestheticians work with skincare, lasers, and devices for complete rejuvenation.

For more information, visit Dr. Bloom's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Malik Medical Aesthetics | Medical Spa | New Jersey

A common myth about dermal fillers is that they always look fake or unnatural. This misconception often stems from seeing extreme cases where too much filler was used or where it was poorly placed. The truth is, when done by a skilled injector, fillers can enhance your natural beauty subtly and beautifully.

At Malik Medical Aesthetics, we focus on customized treatments that are tailored to each patient’s facial structure and aesthetic goals. Our goal is to enhance, not exaggerate, your features, providing a refreshed and youthful appearance without looking overdone.

The key to achieving natural results lies in using the right amount of filler in the correct areas, combined with an injector who understands facial anatomy and aesthetics. When done correctly, fillers simply soften lines, add volume, and create harmony in the face, making you look like a more refreshed version of yourself – not someone else.

For more information, visit Malik Medical Aesthetics'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sam Rizk | Face | Upper East Side

Technological advances have gone a long way toward modernizing popular procedures, yet many people still associate them with antiquated techniques and lengthy recovery times. Rhinoplasty is a perfect example of this. Until very recently, we were using a method that dates back to the early 1900s. It required the use of rasps and knives, which are inconsistent and irregular in their movements and can produce a lot of trauma to the overlying skin. This, of course, is what causes excessive bruising and swelling and leads to extended recovery times. But with the advent of the Piezo method of rhinoplasty, we now use a tool that relies on the gentle pressure of ultrasound vibrations to glide through the bone and cartilage. Because it’s so gentle, the recovery time is much shorter than traditional methods, with far less swelling and bruising. My patients can be back to work within a week and camera-ready in less than two.

For more information, visit Dr. Rizk's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sarah Khan, ARA Med Spa | Medical Spa | Los Angeles, CA

A common myth I encounter about Hydrafacials is that they are ‘painful’ and ‘invasive.’

Although Hydrafacials are invigorating, refreshing, intense facial treatments, they are actually painless and noninvasive and use specialized solutions of exfoliants, antioxidants, chemical peels, and serum boosters to create a glow to the skin.

Additionally, unlike manual extractions, which can leave the skin red and sore, hydrafacial extractions are performed using vortex fusion technology, which provides gentle vacuum suction via a handpiece. There is no pressure or injury to the skin, and the extractions are equally or more effective at decongesting the pores.

Even though the peels used during a Hydrafacial are medical grade, they can be customized to skin type. For example, the GlySal peel is available in different concentrations and can be tailored for skin sensitivity with either 7.5%, 15%, or 30% AHA acid peel.

Also, if there is any mild irritation to the skin, then completing the treatment with LED Red light therapy is an excellent option. LED Red light therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation in the skin and is complementary with a Hydrafacial Platinum treatment.

For more information, visit ARA Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jay Arora | Vision | Scottsdale, AZ

With the strong prevalence of the internet and social media, we have never lived in a time that is more flooded with misinformation and anecdotal advice that is not based on scientific evidence and patient outcomes. Unfortunately, the practice of medicine is not immune to this. Within the world of ophthalmology, the myth of "going blind" from looking at a phone or a computer screen is something that comes up in clinics almost every day. Though excessive use of a computer/phone screen without taking breaks is not ideal, the actual act of looking at a phone or a computer screen will not cause permanent blindness or damage to the eye. Instead, what we recommend is that patients take several breaks when they are using their electronic devices and screens to avoid dryness or excessive eye fatigue and strain. Taking a break every 20-30 minutes (closing your eyes for a minute, looking across the room at a distance) can help to reset and relax extraocular muscles and improve the corneal surface.

For more information, visit Dr. Arora's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Heather Merlo, Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics | Medical Spa | Tampa, FL

I wish that the perception of Morpheus 8 being too painful to receive would change. Morpheus8, like any treatment that involves needles penetrating the skin, can produce sensations we refer to as "spicy" or uncomfortable. As medical providers, our goal should be to ensure your comfort and minimize pain at all times, regardless of treatment. There are several levels of anesthetic to achieve this, and as medical providers, we should know and utilize them.

I begin with a high-quality topical numbing agent. After trying various options, I've found that Manatee Discount Pharmacy offers the most effective product for my practice. Their formulation, which includes lidocaine, tetracaine, and phenylephrine, penetrates the skin better than others I've tried. Just as a black Honda Civic and a black Maserati are both black cars but deliver different performances, not all topical anesthetics are created equal. It’s not just the active ingredients that matter; it is the base that is key and how it can penetrate the tissue.

For those who need additional comfort, I incorporate Pro-Nox. While the nitrous-oxygen gas will not eliminate the sensation entirely, it will change the perception of pain and reduce anxiety, making the experience more manageable. Advanced techniques like the Mesoram method or even full-face nerve blocks are available.

Every client’s response to Morpheus8 is unique, as with all radio-frequency microneedling platforms. I assess and adjust throughout the treatment to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible. This personalized approach allows for a much better experience, ensuring the highest level of care and comfort at every step. As an International INMODE Clinical Trainer, I also ensure other MedSpa’s are aware of all the options. I find, too, that a Morpheus 8 treatment is only as good as the provider driving the device, so proper settings and technique are not only crucial for ensuring comfort and tolerability but also optimal outcomes.

For more information, visit Sei Tu Bella Aesthetics' website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Julia Bifulco, Bellagena Med Spa | Day Spa | Bradenton, FL

A common myth about skincare that needs debunking is that "natural" or DIY ingredients are always better for your skin. Many people believe that using kitchen ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, or coconut oil is safe and effective for skincare because they're "natural." However, these substances can often disrupt the skin's barrier, cause irritation, or lead to issues like breakouts or even burns. For example:

  • Lemon juice is highly acidic and can cause chemical burns, especially when exposed to sunlight.
  • Baking soda can disturb the skin's pH balance, leading to dryness and irritation.
  • Coconut oil, while moisturizing, can clog pores and is comedogenic for many skin types, causing breakouts.

It’s always best to use products formulated specifically for the skin, even if they contain synthetic ingredients. These products have been tested for safety and efficacy, unlike DIY concoctions. We recommend consulting with a professional before starting a skincare regimen to ensure that you use appropriate products for your skin concerns.

For more information, visit Bellagena Med Spa'websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Kiran Mian, Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery | Skin | New York, NY

A common myth about dermatology is that we only treat skin and that we only treat cosmetic concerns. Dermatology is a vast field, including the specialty of hair and nails! There are so many systemic medical conditions that can affect the skin, like lupus, vasculitis, and immune disorders, and we receive extensive training in all of this in our residency. Skin conditions like psoriasis often have manifestations that affect other body systems, so dermatologists work closely with other specialties, like rheumatology, allergy, and immunology, to provide holistic management for our patients.

For more information, visit Dr. Mian's website and Instagram!

Victoria A. Cirillo-Hyland, MD, FAAD | Skin | Philadelphia, PA

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, a white coat doesn’t make someone an expert! Whom do you trust with your largest organ, the skin? A Board-Certified Dermatologist has a minimum of 7 years of training and over 12,000 patient care hours. This rigorous training includes four years of undergraduate education, four years of medical school, one year of internship, three years minimum of residency, 1-year optional fellowship, and passing a comprehensive Dermatology Board Exam. Please do your research and know the credentials of the provider doing your cosmetic treatments. “Caveat Emptor”!

For more information, visit Dr. Cirillo-Hyland's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Marianna Farber | Smile | Midtown NY

One common myth is that you only need to visit the dentist if you are in pain or have some other dental problem. Actually, you should visit the dentist regularly to prevent and screen for dental issues as well as to maintain optimal dental hygiene.

For more information, visit Dr. Marianna Farber'website and Instagram!

Iani Silveira, Bella Vida Aesthetics & Wellness | Medical Spa | Miami, FL

A common myth about using semaglutide or tirzepatide for weight loss is that it’s a quick fix or a magic solution for permanent weight loss without the need for lifestyle changes. Although it is a miracle drug for weight loss, many people think that just taking the medication will solve all their weight issues. Still, in reality, it's most effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Ozempic can be a powerful tool, but it's not a substitute for the foundational changes in eating and activity habits that are crucial for long-term weight management and overall health. Tirzepatide is a relatively new medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists. That has helped with many of the side effects that come with taking semaglutide, like nausea & fatigue.

Semaglutide/Tirzepatide is used to help with:

  1. Type 2 Diabetes Management
  2. Weight Loss
  3. Cardiovascular Health
  4. Addiction
  5. Bulimia (eating disorders)

While semaglutide is effective, it’s important to use it as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

These medications represent an exciting advancement in diabetes and weight management therapies, offering patients a potentially effective option in their treatment arsenal. Elevate your weight loss journey with the luxury and expertise you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and start your transformation with our exclusive concierge medical weight loss program.

For more information, visit Bella Vida Aesthetics & Wellness's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jose Rodríguez-Feliz | Eyelid Surgery & Face | Miami, FL

I will do my facelift when I turn 60. It is very common for patients to have an age in mind when they would want to do their facelift. Most of the time, it is based on no real facts other than the assumption that if they do it before that, they are doing something wrong! It is important to understand that age is not a determining factor in facial aging, and it becomes less relevant when we are discussing modern facelifting techniques such as a deep plane facelift. I have performed a deep plane facelift on many patients in their early 40s, and they say it is the best thing they ever did. These are usually patients who are already presenting with mild to moderate aging changes, which is the best time to do it. Once a patient presents with advanced sun-damaged skin, significant volume loss, and deep tissue descent, the results are not as good as they could be. In 2011, there was an academic study that scientifically proved that longevity in facelifting surgery is best when the procedure is done before 50 years old.

For more information, visit Dr. Rodríguez-Feliz's websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Brannon Claytor | Face | Philadelphia

Here are five things you can do to improve your outcomes pre and post-procedure:

  1. Make sure your skin is in its best possible condition before your facelift! Have a skincare consultation with a medical aesthetician to determine the best protocol and medical-grade skin care products to improve tone and texture before surgery.
  2. Get facials! Facials focus on hydration and light exfoliation that can help your skin heal from surgery. LED lights stimulate collagen growth and kill bacteria to ensure skin is at its healthiest.
  3. Lymphatic drainage helps reduce swelling caused by lymphatic fluid build-up. Opening the lymphatic channels decreases discomfort and speeds up recovery.
  4. Resume facial treatments beginning six weeks post-surgery to help with elasticity, collagen, and texture. A post-op skincare protocol significantly improves surgical outcomes and diminishes swelling, redness, bruising, or scarring. Remember, your facelift gave you back your youthful contours, but it is up to you to continue anti-aging skincare treatments to protect and prolong your investment.
  5. Microneedling and laser treatments help minimize scar tissue. Dr. Claytor's study on early remodeling of surgical scars using microneedling revolutionized the thinking about scars. Beginning at six weeks, scars can be treated with a series of microneedling treatments to minimize scars. While Dr. Claytor's facelift scars are nearly invisible, this protocol is equally effective on tummy tuck and brachiaplasty!

For more information, visit Dr. Claytor's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg | Face | Long Island, NY

There are many myths about why people have plastic surgery, but the truth is that there is a wide range of reasons that people choose to have cosmetic, plastic, or reconstructive procedures.

Many see this form of self-care as selfish, but in reality, it is vital for mental, emotional, and often physical well-being. Taking care of ourselves has many benefits and ensures we are in the best possible shape, both inside and out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the very best version of yourself. We improve our health by eating right, exercising, and getting adequate sleep, but sometimes, we all need a little help. Facial surgery, breast surgery, and body contouring have helped thousands of people become more physically active and socially involved. Oftentimes, patients tell me that their procedure has inspired them to get back into the dating scene or go for that new job or promotion. Lifestyle changes make a tremendous impact on people’s quality of life, and the face, breast, and body procedures that I perform help my patients live a more fulfilling life by removing excess skin and fat, repositioning breast tissue to alleviate heaviness and pain, and reestablishing facial contour for a more youthful appearance.

People are more attuned to the role that cosmetic treatments play in self-care routines than ever before. Social media and selfie culture have normalized cosmetic treatments in the lives of everyday people and celebrities alike; it is no longer something to hide or feel embarrassed about. People are having treatments to improve their faces and bodies and are excited to share this with friends and followers. Both men and women have shared their personal experiences with surgical procedures and non-surgical med spa treatments on social media, and this has welcomed a vast array of options to the mainstream.

Cosmetic treatments have become just as important as visiting the dentist twice each year for cleanings. The preventative benefits that skin rejuvenation provides have elevated anti-aging routines by minimizing the negative effects of aging, stress, sun damage, and collagen loss. Cosmetic injectables, once thought of as vanity treatments, are being used to restore youthful facial volume and contour areas of the face that have lost definition. Once coined as “Zoom face,” these small tweaks lead to big payoffs as people look and feel better about themselves on and off camera.

Since both men and women have become more interested in cosmetic procedures over the last few years, it has become clear that self-esteem and confidence building are playing a critical role. Emotional well-being has become a welcome addition to the wellness and self-care landscape. We have evolved into a more inclusionary society that embraces each person’s unique features and admires the positive changes people make to look and feel better about themselves. Once people are happy with how they look, their entire demeanor changes. It is amazing how important these enhancements can be to a person’s state of mind.

For more information, visit Dr. Greenberg's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Anna Chacon | Skin | Miami, FL

A common myth in dermatology is that "natural" or "organic" skincare products are always better and safer than those containing synthetic ingredients. While natural products can be beneficial, patients need to realize that not all natural ingredients are suitable for every skin type, and some can even cause allergic reactions or irritation. Synthetic ingredients, when properly formulated, can often be more effective and stable, especially when it comes to anti-aging and acne treatments. Patients need to consult with a dermatologist to find the right products for their skin needs rather than assuming that natural means safer or better.

For more information, visit Dr. Chacon's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Michael Gartner | Face & Body | New Jersey

A common myth that many plastic surgery patients believe is that plastic surgery will provide *instant* or *perfect* results without any recovery time. I often wish patients would stop believing this because it can set unrealistic expectations. In reality, surgical results take time to fully reveal as the body heals, with swelling, bruising, and scars often needing weeks or months to improve. Additionally, the final outcome can vary based on individual healing processes, and even well-done surgeries have limitations.

Managing expectations with proper education can lead to more satisfied patients in the long run.

For more information, visit Dr. Gartner's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Rafael Emerick Salas | Body | Miami, FL

The myth I still see quite a bit of that patients are confused about plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments, in general, is that it is the treatments by themselves that are responsible for their improvement.

I think it’s important to note that your Doctor or provider must have proper training and understanding of the problems and the options available and be able to decide between those options to provide the best opportunity to help you reach your goals, and of course, have the proper training to be able to execute those treatments successfully.

This is most evident in surgery, where choosing the right procedure is one thing, but then performing it to achieve the best possible result is very dependent on the surgeon. Having surgery isn’t like going to the store and buying a shirt to take home. There can be many differences between diagnosing the problem, choosing techniques to solve it, paying attention to detail, and focusing on the goal to help patients achieve it.

This is also evident with injectables (I.e., Botox, Fillers), where having an expert injector can be the difference between an amazing result or looking unbalanced, or worse, having a complication.

Less often mentioned but still notable are many devices in aesthetics, which are definitely user-dependent, meaning the person using the device may choose better settings or have a smoother handling of the device to give you an outstanding result.

At Salas Plastic Surgery & The Love Med Spa, we make sure to help our patients through the entire process, from determining what the goal is to how to achieve it and then performing the treatment at the highest level for the best possible outcome.

So whether it’s surgery, an injection, or a treatment device, the person who you choose to perform your surgery, do your injection, or use the treatment device is one of the biggest and most important elements of your ultimate result.

For more information, visit Dr. Salas's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. S. Alexander Earle | Body | Miami, FL

Myth: "The bigger, the better."
A lot of people believe that when it comes to procedures like BBL or breast augmentation, bigger always means better results. That’s simply not true. In fact, when patients go too big, they can risk complications, less natural-looking results, and long-term discomfort. My approach focuses on balance and harmony with your body’s natural proportions. Every patient is different, so it's all about choosing the size that enhances their unique figure and maintains their health and safety. It’s not just about making a dramatic change – it’s about achieving a result that makes you feel like the best version of yourself while keeping your well-being a top priority.

For more information, visit Dr. Earle's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Natalia Vidal Laureano | Face | Coral Gables, FL

Myth: "Labiaplasty is only for aesthetics."
Many patients think labiaplasty is purely cosmetic, but the truth is this procedure can significantly improve a woman’s quality of life. While it does enhance the appearance of the labia, it also addresses discomfort, irritation, and even hygiene issues caused by enlarged labia. Women often come to me frustrated with how their anatomy impacts daily activities like exercise, wearing tight clothing, or even intimacy. It’s more than just a “beauty fix” – it’s about giving women confidence and comfort in their own bodies. Labiaplasty can be truly life-changing, physically and emotionally.

For more information, visit Dr. Vidal's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Garrett Wegerif | Breast | Coral Gables, FL

Myth: "Mental wellness isn’t important for surgical recovery."
One of the biggest myths I encounter is the idea that surgery is purely physical and mental wellness and doesn’t play a role in recovery. The truth is, your mindset and emotional health are just as crucial to the healing process as following post-op instructions. Stress, anxiety, or negative emotions can slow down recovery and make the process more difficult. I always encourage my patients to focus on their mental wellness before, during, and after surgery. Whether it’s meditation, therapy, or simply surrounding yourself with support, maintaining a positive mindset can greatly improve your post-op experience and outcomes.

For more information, visit Dr. Wegerif's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Fillir | Medical Spa | Pittsburgh, PA

A common myth we hear at fillir is that Botox will eliminate all of your wrinkles. Botox targets dynamic wrinkles, not static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are caused by muscle movement, like frown lines or crow's feet, and Botox works by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for those movements. Static wrinkles, on the other hand, are deeper lines and folds that are present even when your face is at rest. These are caused by a combination of factors like sun damage, aging, and loss of skin elasticity. Botox alone won’t erase these. Treating static wrinkles often requires dermal fillers to restore volume or skin treatments like laser resurfacing or chemical peels to improve skin texture and stimulate collagen production. Skincare is also crucial, such as using retinoids or products rich in antioxidants and hyaluronic acid to maintain skin health and improve overall appearance.

Botox is preventative but not a cure-all. Botox can prevent dynamic wrinkles from deepening and slow the formation of new lines, but it's not designed to "erase" all wrinkles once they're there. A combination of treatments often yields the best natural results.

For more information, visit Fillir's website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Bertha Baum | Skin | Miami, FL

A common myth in dermatology, especially with cosmetic treatments, is that starting early will lead to a need for more treatments later on. In reality, the opposite is true. Preventative treatments, such as Botox or fillers, can actually help slow the progression of wrinkles and other signs of aging. By addressing fine lines and volume loss early, patients can maintain a more youthful appearance with less extensive interventions as they age. It’s similar to maintaining your skin’s health over time rather than waiting for issues to become more pronounced. Early, subtle treatments can reduce the need for more invasive or frequent procedures down the line. Of course, it’s always essential to consult a board-certified dermatologist to determine the best approach based on individual skin type and goals.

For more information, visit Dr. Baum's website, Instagram, or Facebook!