Photo Credit: Lindsey Banks
We can't believe it either, but it's true: the holidays are here. You can try escaping but the reality is you are going to be bombarded with calorie-filled temptations everywhere you go. Cocktail parties, cookies and candy in the breakroom, and family gatherings with all the fixings are the best part of the season, but can also be the worst for your waistline. Kathy Fang, restaurant owner, chef and enthusiast for healthy living, knows when to splurge and when to hold back. Below are her tips for staying healthy throughout the holidays so you can start the New Year feeling your best.
Diet Now
Start eating clean and healthy before the holidays arrive by eating lots of veggies and lean protein, leaving sugar and grains on the sidelines whenever you can. As the holidays approach, stick to this diet and save indulging for parties. This strategy is rewarding when you do treat yourself, and provides more energy for burning calories.
Be Social and Dress-Up
Engage in conversation. The more you talk, the less you eat. I like to always start with a cocktail and sip it throughout the evening. Sipping every once in a while makes you feel like you are consuming something. Having a glass in hand also makes it harder to balance a plate of food while standing and conversing. Look good, feel good. If you spend time getting ready and put on a new, flattering dress, you are less likely to pig out.
Share Plates
When dining out, share appetizers rather than order one for each person. Sharing and eating family style is more fun and social, and you get to try more things. Choose a light entrée such as seafood. If you want a heavy entrée, ask someone if they would like to share it with you and order an extra veggie side. You can also select an appetizer as an entrée as the portions are smaller.
Splurge the Day Of
Thanksgiving and Christmas family potlucks are my weakness as I love home-cooked meals. Have fun and indulge, especially when among all your loved ones. And what holiday is complete without one or two meals that make you want to crawl into PJs and relax in bliss on the couch after an incredible spread of your family’s traditional holiday dishes.
If you have a sweet tooth, you don’t have to avoid it all together. It is the holidays after all. Rather enjoy half a serving and place a napkin over the plate and request to have the rest cleared so you are not tempted to eat more.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Banks